I think people are way over-reacting to this.
IMO he's just a trolly edgelord "4chan humour" who thinks he can get away with internet-esque trolling/LARP behaviour in real life because he's a billionaire.
Which, doesn't make him in any way less of a knob head, but I have very little indication to believe he's genuinely pro Nazism.
Cannot really reconcile him being a Nazi and also being heavily pro-Israel.
If you feel like that when the richest man in the world does a Nazi salute, twice, at the presidents inauguration, it might be you who’s not reacting properly.
What you’re writing is a gross misunderstanding of the modern far right, their enemies and who they aim their racism at. The way your post reads, basically only members of the NSDAP could be actual Nazis.
The Israel stuff is absolutely no reason to cast doubt over Musk‘s deeply racist convictions, that align perfectly well with his biography, his upbringing and his statements and actions. He is, beyond any reasonable doubt, obviously deeply racist, sympathises with actual modern Nazis, gives them a platform and actively endorses their content.
The difference nowadays is that the target of nazism has changed and Muslims are the new Jews. Because they are the easier target, enjoy far less public support and are put under much more scrutiny than other ethic or religious groups.
But the mere fact that the scapegoat has changed, doesn’t render him somehow any less of a Nazi. He’s just a modern one, not one from the thirties. Movements change and adapt. As did nazism. And he aligns perfectly well with this modern version.
To absolve him from his nazism because the movement has changed, doesn’t do justice to reality and is a bit lazy.
Also the 4chan stuff is a really weird excuse. The reasons for his Nazism don’t matter. It doesn’t matter if he does it to impress weird internet dudes, a woman, SpongeBob or his almighty god. It’s like saying people in the thirties weren’t Nazis, as long as they had other reasons for joining than antisemitism, like economic issues. Or put differently: if I were to become a Jehovah’s Witness because I like the coffee at their meetings, I’d still be a Jehovah’s Witness.
So even if Musk is only doing all this because he’s a sad little dweeb without friends, he’d still be a Nazi.
Stop finding excuses for the man, stop trivialising his actions and believe him when he reveals himself to the public.