Music Help the Aged - to understand the singles chart


Aug 18, 2007
Ok. My personal playlists are stuck firmly in the past, with a default to Radio 6 if I'm in the mood for something different, but today I saw last year's UK singles Top 10.


Now I know that singles charts are not to be taken seriously (or weren't when I used to pay attention) but to get an update on what sells, I've just listened to the Top 10 on YouTube. With the possible exception of Body, the music sounded like it could just as easily been on a late 80/90s pop mix list. A couple of lyrics/videos that would have stopped them airing on TOTP but otherwise...

Am I imagining things/gone tone deaf or does it sound like that to other people? Is that normal for the singles chart?
80’s and disco is on somewhat of a revival, so yeah you’re not way out there. Just the trend for the last while.

I’m actually surprised at that list, well more so the fact that I do like 50% of it and don’t mind the Glass Animals song to possibly push it up to 60%. Albeit the best song on there (and for me one of the best pop songs in 10/20 years) is down at 9, but probably to be expected given it actually was released in 2019
As Ed Sheeran recently said, there are only a certain number of notes in a musical scale. Things sound the same as things we've heard before, and as we get older we have more songs in our head to remember!

Having said that, on your list above I've only heard Sheeran and Bieber (and not even those particular tracks).
80’s and disco is on somewhat of a revival, so yeah you’re not way out there. Just the trend for the last while.

I’m actually surprised at that list, well more so the fact that I do like 50% of it and don’t mind the Glass Animals song to possibly push it up to 60%. Albeit the best song on there (and for me one of the best pop songs in 10/20 years) is down at 9, but probably to be expected given it actually was released in 2019
It's probably that disco thing that triggered my reaction :smirk:

I didn't actually dislike any of the songs, though there were a couple I thought were instantly forgettable, and only a couple where I let YouTube go into that play next track thing. If was that feeling of deja vu that threw me.
Proud to say I haven't heard any of that list.

Edit: Now have and wished I hadn't.
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Perhaps it's just apathy due to increased age but unlike the pop music from 10 years ago this current crop doesn't offend me.

Actually kinda like Glass Animals - Heat Waves :nervous: