** HELP ** Need a new TV


Full Member
Jan 1, 2006
Under a rug on top of a mountain under the stars.
Hi All,

your help would very much be appreciated in my search for a new TV. It is for my back room and is used almost solely for XBOX 360. Looking for something 32" - 37", full HD if poss and most of all, a decent deal. I've seen a few Tosh and a Samsung for around £400:-

Samsung LE37A558 37'' Full HD 1080p LCD With Freeview LE37A558 by Samsung - Electrical-deals secure online shop

Toshiba Regza 32RV635DB 32-inch Widescreen Full HD: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo

So - any ideas of other decent TV's at a reasonable price - want something under £350, it's only for my XBOX so don't want to spend a fortune.

There has been a few threads recently about TV's. I'll have a look here.