Help me remember this book


Jul 30, 2008
I read a book a couple of years back that I loved. An ex (at least at the beginning of the book) us special forces guy is driving along a rainy highway and picks up a female hitchhiker who turns out to be a prostitutes that's escaped a murderous pimp. The guy and girl begin to form a relationship and the guy decides to use his special forces skills to help catch the pimp, but in the course of his investigations he ends up getting her killed and himself badly injured. The rest of the book is him being re-enlisted for a black ops rescue mission for the US government and at the same time exacting revenge on the ex prostitutes pimp and drug dealing gang. He has his own island with a pressure chamber which he uses to torture one of the drug dealers underlings at one point.

Also, Without Remorse by Tom Clancy ..... they made movies out of Hunt For Red October, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger....but this one (the story) just tops em all..... In my head it was the dopest action flick I ever saw.... Supreme badazz ex combat special forces guy picks up a smokin young female on the side of the road hitchiking. She is a prostitute who just escaped her pimp, drug ring bad mofo circle that she was in. These dudes come after her and hes gotta protect her....All the while the CIA calls on him for his intimate knowledge of a Vietnamese POW camp and hes gotta get back in to action and save this dude being held captive...

The part where they pit him against their other commando dudes to see if hes still got it is crazy awesome.... Seriously though, the way the story unfolds you get this awesome visual painted out and it really is better than any director has translated something to screen in my head soooooo, check that business out...

Også uten anger av Tom Clancy ..... de laget filmer av Jakten på Rød Oktober, Spill av Patrioter, Klar og Presentere Fare .... men dette én (historien) bare topper dem alle ..... I hodet mitt var det dopest handling flick jeg har sett .... Supreme badazz ex bekjempe spesialstyrker guy plukker opp en smokin ung kvinne på siden av veien hitchiking. Hun er en prostituert som bare unnslapp hennes hallik, narkotika ring dårlig mofo sirkel som hun var i. Disse dudes kommer etter henne og hes må beskytte henne .... Hele mens CIA kaller på ham for hans intime kjennskap til en vietnamesisk POW leiren og hes må komme tilbake til handling og lagre denne fyren blir holdt fanget ...

Den delen hvor de pit ham mot sin andre Commando dudes for å se om han er fremdeles fikk den er gal kjempebra .... Seriøst om, hvordan historien utfolder du får denne awesome visuelle malte ut og det egentlig er bedre enn noen regissør har oversatt noe til skjermen i mitt hode soooooo, sjekk at forretning ut ...
Supreme badazz ex combat special forces guy picks up a smokin young female on the side of the road hitchiking. She is a prostitute who just escaped her pimp, drug ring bad mofo circle that she was in. These dudes come after her and hes gotta protect her...All the while the CIA calls on him for his intimate knowledge of a Vietnamese POW camp & hes gotta get back and save this dude being held captive.

Where's the bit about Nani signing for Inter??