Hacking the Xbox 360...

The Flying Potato

New Member
Jun 17, 2007
The air.
I'm thinking of doing it but im not sure due to the risks...such as completely fecking up my 360 if I do it wrong and being very carefull on Live to avoid Microsoft detecting the firmware.

Do you think I should do it?
Does that mean opening it up ?

If so, I wouldn't because you'd lose your warranty, and with the reliability of the thing being what it is, I wouldn't recommend it.
Does that mean opening it up ?

If so, I wouldn't because you'd lose your warranty, and with the reliability of the thing being what it is, I wouldn't recommend it.

Yeah, you have to open it up. I knew about the warranty thing already which adds to the negatives,

POSITIVES: Practicaly free games and back-ups, can play all xbox 1 games, practicaly free dvds/hd (i think)

NEGATIVES: High risk of screwing the machine up, very risky to use Xbox Live, no more warranty
Yeah, you have to open it up. I knew about the warranty thing already which adds to the negatives,

POSITIVES: Practicaly free games and back-ups, can play all xbox 1 games, practicaly free dvds/hd (i think)

NEGATIVES: High risk of screwing the machine up, very risky to use Xbox Live, no more warranty

Can't you get someone with experience of these sort of things to do it ?
Can't you get someone with experience of these sort of things to do it ?

My dad knows a guy who hacked my PS1 back in the day...but theres a big difference in the PS1 and Xbox 360, having said that my dad is quite experienced in this sort of thing so if I do do it he will probably be a big help
Yeah, I wouldn't do it on my own, actually I wouldn't do it at all, but if you must, get someone to help out.

Good luck.
Yeah, you have to open it up. I knew about the warranty thing already which adds to the negatives,

POSITIVES: Practicaly free games and back-ups, can play all xbox 1 games, practicaly free dvds/hd (i think)

NEGATIVES: High risk of screwing the machine up, very risky to use Xbox Live, no more warranty

That sums it up, what a bunch of cack the machine is though, I am never gonna by another XBox product, PS3 and then the PS4
there is a very good answer to this, if by hacking you meen 'chipping',

all you do is buy normal games to play online with, say GoW, or CoD4, but for the campaign games, like devil may cry, or assasins creed etc.. you buy the chipped games.

simple as, if you dont go online with chipped games, they dont find you out.
A friend did mine, love it You just have to have a bit of balls if Microsoft ask you any questions over the phone when /if it breaks. He got his repaired by telling them he bought it off ebay. legit? feck no. Did it work? feck yes.

Actually I got mine insured with Argos too, and they're very good. Give him £7 for copied games, better than paying £40. Only drawback is they can ban you from Xbox live as they have a way of telling if you're running copied games, but I don't use xbox live so it's no drawback to me.
Can someone PM me with some info about flashing a BENQ drive, for research purposes like...
Can someone PM me with some info about flashing a BENQ drive, for research purposes like...

wow, you have a benq drive, i heard they were rare, mine is hitachi but il try and find you some info mate.

Have you looked at the link I posted a few posts up? im sure that will say since i know it says what to do to the hitachi and samsung drives....
wow, you have a benq drive, i heard they were rare, mine is hitachi but il try and find you some info mate.

Have you looked at the link I posted a few posts up? im sure that will say since i know it says what to do to the hitachi and samsung drives....

there's a newish tutorial on that link ... cheers ;)
Was contemplating the same decision a few months back with my mate. We knew someone who could do it for free for us, and i knew how to get free games and all that jazz, but in the end, we decided we had too much to lose. Not worth it in my opinion, with the high fault rate of the 360, and the fact that online play plays a major part in most modern games, it's too much of a risk to be taking.