Højlund scoring thread

It must be psychological, but I definitely wouldn't be putting pressure on the guy to break the record. It feels like it'll have the adverse effect, as in he would be trying too hard to score goals and this could be to his own detriment and his team mates. You just know the media will hype him to hell if he scores in a few more games and starts coming closer to it. I would just leave the thought of records and streaks out of it and just encourage the guy to do whatever he is doing.

Would be amazing if he did this, but it's not everything. I'm just glad that he's in a rhythm and is finding his feet at the club, and that the goals are coming. For a while, it looked like they would never come!
This record always surprises me as you'd think someone like Shearer, Kane or Henry would be top.
I hope no one digs up the OP's posts from his performance thread :wenger:

Which of these gems were you referring to? :wenger:
No one booed Martial. It was Højlund's number coming up that they booed and rightly so.
Honestly I'd bench him and play McT as a false 9. Kills two birds with one stone as it takes him away from midfield and he's also a bigger goal threat than Højlund at this stage.
Being in this company means your finishing sucks. Pure and simple.

NameTeamxG Delta (Goals - xG)
He’s not the one.
Mudded. ;)
Which of these gems were you referring to? :wenger:

Mudded. ;)

This you Mr. "I want a solitary competent striker in January"?

Hojlund is only worth £80m because we were stupid/desperate enough to pay it. He was touted at £30m-£40m before the window. Toney is more realistically a £70m player.
I’d be happy with a solitary competent striker in Jan, it’s so unfair to pin everything on Hojlund.

I won’t be holding my breath however!
I wouldn’t sell Casemiro or Varane for a start. That can come later. Priority would be a proven striker. Maybe a Watkins, a Toney, etc… As much of the 200m as it takes.
This record always surprises me as you'd think someone like Shearer, Kane or Henry would be top.
Vardy very underrated in his prime, I’d say most underrated player in the premier league era because he was in non league until around 22, only played in the championship when he was 23 etc so was mid 20s when he played in the prem. So there’s a kind of snobbery towards him instead of giving him the props he deserves. Top quality finisher a proper goal machine.

Then you have Ruud, one of the best number 9s another goal machine.
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This you Mr. "I want a solitary competent striker in January"?
Yep, that’s me. Hojlund hitting form doesn’t negate the fact that a club like United shouldn’t be relying on a 20 year old as our only striker.
I also wouldn’t a) knee jerk and write off a young player a few months after he had signed only to then b) start a thread praising said player when he starts to come good. You can bet when Onana finally has a blinder I’ll be keeping my head down!
Nothing to see here then, but this is a fun game to pass the evening! :D
No he won't. And that's okay.

Ruud is by far the best out-and-out penalty box striker in United's history. Would have have been the club's all time top scorer had he stayed.

Yeah I loved Ruud, one of my favourite strikers ever. He was great for a season at Madrid too.
Almost positively certain he won't and through no fault of his own, despite being on mercurial form right now the service provided to him is still gash.
Vardy very underrated in his prime, I’d say most underrated player in the premier league era because he was in non league until around 22, only played in the championship when he was 23 etc so was mid 20s when he played in the prem. So there’s a kind of snobbery towards him instead of giving him the props he deserves. Top quality finisher a proper goal machine.

Then you have Ruud, one of the best number 9s another goal machine.
Without some of the injuries and more luck with having a stronger team around him than he did at United I think Ruud could have very well be within a shout of top 3 no 9s ever.

I know that seems crazy to say perhaps, but look at his countryman Van Basten who did actually have epic teams around him, was forced to retire early and still won 3 Ballon d'Ors. Yes on paper a much better goal scoring record but one could argue that Ruud did a lot more with less. Van Basten however was clearly also the flashier player in part bc Ruud wasn't exactly a great dribbler. And that probably makes him less appealing to some.
It’s because he’s a collosal bellend. Probably.
I’m aware of his controversies. I’ve seen people with much worse charges / incidents been given the credit they they deserve for their sporting ability.
Ruud had three seasons where he scored for 6+ consecutive matches. Nasty nasty player.
No he won't. And that's okay.

Ruud is by far the best out-and-out penalty box striker in United's history. Would have have been the club's all time top scorer had he stayed.
Probably not actually. He only scored 80 goals after leaving United and was already 30 years old
An impressive record. Don't know why but in my head it dampens it that Joe Willock held it previously.

I’m sure you wasn’t saying that when one if them was a last minute equaliser at Anfield!
It would be an absolutely incredible season for him if he did - however i think City will be a problem.
Going to be hard with how little we create for him.

Exactly. Even now it feels like people seem to think he’s “coming good” when in reality he’s converting at a BITW level that’s not sustainable for how few chances he gets (it’s something like 60% of his shots since Xmas have been goals). It’s the single biggest issue I see with our attack currently. Hes a very good finisher already that hardly ever gets fed the ball in the final 3rd
It still counts if he resumes his goalscoring when he returns right? Ruud's record was stretched over two seasons.
I like Rasmus a lot and it would definitely help but I fecking loved Ruud to pieces and want him to keep hold of any record he has.