Guy certainly looks the part of the drunken geezer in the bar. Maybe "cultural icon" was exaggerating it a bit. But ya know, the guy fronts one of Manchester's top bands who are still making brilliant albums after nearly 15 years, has or had a radio show, writes a column, produces other great bands, and I was thinking the other day while listening to Build a Rocket Boys, that Elbow's music really has a theatrical bent to it. Was wondering if Garvey is at all involved in the theater scene of Manchester, acting or writing or doing soundtracks. Sort of in the way Mark Smith did in the 80s with the whole Hey Luciani schtick.
Gets away with sporting a decent beard as well, ya gotta give him that. Seems a breath of fresh air compared to the obnoxious rock star bollocks of the Gallaghers. Just was curious as to his reputation inside of Manchester.