

Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Jun 4, 2001
Will join us 8,5m according to a totally unverifiable "source".

Make of it what you will. I make little of it other than an example of how a rumour like this posted on the forum could make me pretty stupid unless I included the "unverifiable source" bit ;)

Regardless of the rumour, isn't he cup tied in Europe having played in the UEFA (the rent boys did didn't they?)?

Personally I'm not sure about him anyhow. What's he done for the rent boys lately eh?
Originally posted by Dans:
<strong>Will join us 8,5m according to a totally unverifiable "source".

Make of it what you will. I make little of it other than an example of how a rumour like this posted on the forum could make me pretty stupid unless I included the "unverifiable source" bit ;)

Regardless of the rumour, isn't he cup tied in Europe having played in the UEFA (the rent boys did didn't they?)?

Personally I'm not sure about him anyhow. What's he done for the rent boys lately eh?</strong><hr></blockquote>

yea hes played in the uefa cup

great player and would love to see him at ot

how sure are you mate?
I thought you were signing him in the summer..

Someone posted it on here, I believe they mentioned something about a "source"...but were a bit vague when pushed re this
My source confirms. We'll buy him Jan 7, for £8.6m. There will be a big press conference that day....
Originally posted by mancred:
<strong>My source confirms. We'll buy him Jan 7, for £8.6m. There will be a big press conference that day....</strong><hr></blockquote>

ive backed the cnut to score today so if he dont he can feck off!

<img src="graemlins/devil.gif" border="0" alt="[Devil]" />
Originally posted by mancred:
<strong>My source confirms. We'll buy him Jan 7, for £8.6m. There will be a big press conference that day....</strong><hr></blockquote>

If this si true...hopefully he's working to get into shape before he signs for us. Looking a bit tubby, I thought...
I'd like to see Henrik Larsson. He's as good as Gudjohnssen. Probably not available though.
Originally posted by Livvie20:
<strong>I'd like to see Henrik Larsson. He's as good as Gudjohnssen. Probably not available though.</strong><hr></blockquote>

He's better.
I think the one we really need to sign is none other than Paolo di Canio. We need someone in the team with his kind of genius. He will have at our team the ideal supporting cast. Paolo is sublime and with his kind of fitness he has surely at least one or two years in his legs. These two years would give time to the Jimmy Davis and Danny Webber, who are very good prospects, to mature and earn their own places in the team.
Gudjohnsson is ok but way over rated and i most def do not want him, he brings NOTHING we dont already have except being a 4th striker, we need someone that can do something special and someone with pace, Gudjohnson has neither.
Here we go with the "Press Conference" theme again. It must be close to the transfer window. I lost count in the summer of the amount of press conference's we were meant to have.