Green Street Hooligans 2

Not watching it if it hasn't got Frodo in it twatting twenty guys twice his size, it's just not as realistic.......
Looks exactly the same as 'the longest yard'. Also, those prisons don't look very british.
What the..... That trash looks like a poor attempt at Prison Break meets The Bill. I've never been as pessimistic about a movie as I am, right now, about this one.
Dear God. That looks like it might be the Worst.Film.Ever.

Haven't seen the first one but Adam & Joe podcast did a segment on some of the incredibly poor "cockerney" accents. You just know they're gonna be even worse in the sequel, when they can't even get them right for a 1m15s trailer. Shocking stuff really.
Also, Biscuit's right, clearly they did not do the research about what prisons look like outside the US.
In fairness though, these are films made by spastics, for spastics. So regardless of our nay-saying, I'm sure it will reach it's big special-spacky target audience.
Oh wow that looks terrible. That guy wasn't even really a main character in the first one.
That looks fecking awful. Cringeworthy infact.
Looks like a cracking film...not.

This is going to make Green Street 1 look legendary which it so is not.
To be fair, I did quite like Green Street. But this just looks awful.

I'm in shock at how this looks even worse than the first one.
Looks like a low budget prison movie that just uses the Green street hooligans name. Straight to DVD?