Gold season ticket


Full Member
Oct 19, 2001
prolific poster from south manchester
I have been given a couple of gold season tickets to use on Sunday - the guy who owns them is away for a few weeks - I am wondering can they be used next Thursday for the Liverpool game or is that a seperate package
I have been given a couple of gold season tickets to use on Sunday - the guy who owns them is away for a few weeks - I am wondering can they be used next Thursday for the Liverpool game or is that a seperate package
Oh well - I take it nobody knows - will have to ring the ticket office or ask on Sunday
I have been given a couple of gold season tickets to use on Sunday - the guy who owns them is away for a few weeks - I am wondering can they be used next Thursday for the Liverpool game or is that a seperate package
It depends if they opted in for Europa and also if their seat hasn't been moved due to the away fans.
There's a story about another little boy who won a golden ticket. I don't want to spoil the ending for you, but prepare to be disappointed.
Look out for the oompa loompas

You'll have to ring and see if they are opted in or not as someone said earlier. Gold just means they have had a ticket for between 11 - 25 years
If you ring up the ticket office and ask they will ask you for date of birth,address and post code of the ticket holder, i don't think they will tell you any info without that.
I have been given a couple of gold season tickets to use on Sunday - the guy who owns them is away for a few weeks - I am wondering can they be used next Thursday for the Liverpool game or is that a seperate package

surely the guy who is letting you use them could tell you!?
Check where the ticket is located. If North, South East, or East lower Stands you won't have to worry about seat movement. If you can't get hold of the ticket holder for personal info, and live in or near Manchester I suggest you just go along to the ground and try your luck at the turnstile.