Ghostbusters 3 'to start filming in May'

Bet they'll feck up Slimer just like they did with B.A in the A-team movie. Ruining my childhood memories, the bastards. :(
Trying to get Ghostbusters 3 going has been up and down like a yo-yo... I''m not getting my hopes up it's happening yet until it's given the official green light! But now Aykroyd's working on the script with Ramis & they're trying to get Reitman back in the directors seat it might just happen!! I think Murray gave us a good sign when he accepted that award in his GB suit!
Well if Akroyd is fully involved in this then there's not a chance of it ruining it, he's probably the films biggest fan. He'd rather pull the plug than put out a shite ghostbusters film.
Well if Akroyd is fully involved in this then there's not a chance of it ruining it, he's probably the films biggest fan. He'd rather pull the plug than put out a shite ghostbusters film.

Ghostbusters 2 was fairly shite though
Peter Kenyon would make an ideal Slimer

:lol: it's uncanny

Ray, when someone asks you if you're a God you say YES!
I'll believe this is happening when its in the theatres. They've been talking about it forever. Also, I'm worried it might be shite.
I was open to this but when I look to what they (Hollywood) did to The A-team, I weep.
Not going to touch this movie. I like the memory of how things were. They're going to modernize the ass out of this. It will be too much
Yes please. The original ghostbusters, Slimer and Rick Moranis :D

Who ya gonna call?

Rick Moranis has been retired from acting for years, not a hope of him being in another Ghostbusters movie. Of course, the other reason he won't be in another Ghostbusters movie is because there isn't going to be one.