Ghost Stories...


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
62,851 told by nurses.


We had a patient, chronic CHFer, always on the call button, hated being on fluid restrictions. you know the type: the nurses have to take turns during the shift answering the call button so the primary can actually do other work.

And this was a frequent flier cause he was very chronic, very borderline, and the hospital was the only place he wouldn't fluid overload.

I work 7pm-7am. He died about 8pm. Oh the look on his face was like, "how could you let me die?!" - Like it was our fault.

Anyway, family came and gone by 9pm, funeral home gone at 9.30pm.

About 10pm, the call button starts going off. I was there - call button going off every 5 minutes...

Whats your best nursing ghost story? - Nursing for Nurses
My sister is a nurse and she's told me one or two stories that'd make you think. Ultimately you cannot prove anything, and someone will always have a logical explanation for it, but it's still a bit of fun