Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Lance Uppercut

I received an email on Wednesday which contained an access code for the beta. I had a quick blast earlier. It seems pretty good, even though I have no idea what I am doing.

Anyone else playing?
I don't know why I was sent one. I'm guessing it was because I pre-ordered something, or I bought a limited edition of something.

However, if you have the latest Splintercell game you can download the beta. My brother borrowed it yesterday specifically to do so.
I love the GR games, prefer their slow-paced, tactical approach to the spray nd pray gameplay of COD/Battlefield.

I am getting killed a lot. I am also not sharing my brother's enthusiasm towards this. He assured me that it is brilliant. I'm not so sure.

That could possibly be related to the getting killed a lot thing.
I got the email too, think it stems from buying splinter cell a few years back, gonna give this a try later
Pretty much have all of the Tim Clancy games, so I've had my eye on it for a while.

Tried the beta trough my Splinter Cell disc and although MP isn't really my thing, I did enjoy it - more interested in seeing how the SP is before deciding whether to get it, but I reckon that I will.
Oh cool I got an e-mail too. Rainbow Six Vegas was my first online game and a really enjoyable experience, hope this is fun.
Did anyone play Future soldier on PlaystationPLus? If so how was it?
So they've got a flying discy hovering radar thing but still use old guns?
And no one notices the throwey radar type grenade thing flying through the air and rolling along the ground?
Thought it was quite fun, although it didn't feel like Ghost Recon, it felt more like Rainbow Six Vegas to me, or some generic COD copy.
I remember getting GR: Advanced Warfighter.....I wasn't seen by my mates for months. Awesome game. May have to go for this.

IGN are having an exclusive live thing, looking further into Single player in the upcoming game at 10am this morning.
Been a fan of Ghost Recon since the 1st and before that, Rainbow 6 (when it was a tactical shooter). Anyway, I can see why some might be put off with the more action oriented Future Soldier but I'm loving it so far.

Not tried multiplayer yet though.