Getting Music off websites.


Full Member
Sep 24, 2008
Block:N1413. Row:HH. Seat:10

The tune they have put on here is amazing its one of them "just for the website" songs so I can't download it anywhere! Can anyone rip it from there and put it into an MP3 or something. The tune is acutally called "Tokyo Joe" by Peter Hook but like i said its just for the website


If anyone could do this for me i would be seriously grateful!
that would be great. I even tried doing it myself today but im fecking hopeless. Tried just videoing the screen with audio and still didnt work. Would of slapped it on youtube and then ripped it from there.

Need to download music off one of those iplayers, how to go about it?
Can't you use Audacity?

I'm fairly certain this newish program I have been using for Youtube is able to grab from the new myspace, I'll have to check when I get home.
Oops, didn't even read the OP. When I finish work I will send you a link to your song Moultz.
Looking for a song to be ripped from a Radio playback? is that possible?

Its from this station

XFM from the Eddy Temple-Morris REMIX show on Friday night

Xfm | Home <<<<< Go to LISTEN AGAIN in the top right and them THE REMIX EDDY TEMPLE MORRIS

PLAYLIST HERE!!! The Remix - Playlist - Xfm

The tune i want is like the second to last song played on the 4 hour set! I don't know if it is possible to fast forward to the specific point. I know its not possibly on my MAC anyway and i listened to the whole 4 hour show just to listen to the tune again. (Dont worry i did other stuff and let the show run. It plays some cracking tunes anyway!)

Anyway its called

Cutline - Die For You. There are a few versions of this song on youtube but they are all Drum and Bass and this is a dubstep version. Possibly the best dubstep track i have heard in almost a year.

The song before is called Squid Attack by Genetix and the track after it is called The Jungle by Sigma (The playlist has a mistake as he lost one of the tracks he was going to play)

If someone could rip this and turn it into a Mp3 i would be forever grateful it is immense beyond belief!
