Justin Bieber to star in own biopic, aged 16
An Inconvenient Truth's Davis Guggenheim to direct 3D movie of Canadian teen pop singer's rise to superstardom
Justin Bieber to star in own biopic, aged 16 | Film | guardian.co.uk
An Inconvenient Truth's Davis Guggenheim to direct 3D movie of Canadian teen pop singer's rise to superstardom
Justin Bieber to star in own biopic, aged 16 | Film | guardian.co.uk
Most famous faces never get to see their own movie biopics – there's an unwritten rule that you usually have to be dead before being immortalised on the big screen. Not so teen megastar Justin Bieber, whose life story is set to be filmed before he has even reached his 17th birthday. Who will play him? Well, who better than Bieber himself?
According to the Deadline blog, the as yet untitled film will be directed in 3D by Davis Guggenheim, the Oscar-winning director of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Bieber himself confirmed the news via his Twitter account yesterday. The film is due out on Valentine's day 2011 and will feature performances from the Canadian singer's current tour.