Generation Kill - HBO has another hit


urinates in helmets
Aug 10, 2000
Special once
Berwick Rangers
Anyone see the first episode last week...? I was just about to drop HBO but after 1 episode I'm hooked.

And Entourage is back on soon so I'm keeping it.
Entourage owns, I first got hooked on it two days ago when Canal+ had a Entourage marathon :p

Ari Gold is class !
Yeah the first episode was great. I love when the guy is on tons of ripped fuel(ephedrine) as they drive forward through the desert. The scene were the reporter swallows his dip during the precautionary drill is class too
No surprise though the executive producers are the same as The Wire, David Simon and Ed Burns
from Wiki

Generation Kill is a 2008 HBO television miniseries based on the book of the same name by Evan Wright and adapted for television by David Simon and Ed Burns. The series premiered on July 13, 2008 and is set to span seven hours.

The book

Generation Kill (2004) is a book written by Rolling Stone journalist Evan Wright chronicling his experience as an embedded reporter with the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion‎ during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. His account of life with the Marines was originally published as a three-part series in Rolling Stone in the fall of 2003. "The Killer Elite", the first of these articles, went on to win a National Magazine Award for Excellence in Reporting in 2004
I didn't know until I read that on wiki that it's set over the first 7 hours.
Yes,but is it a gung-ho for the marines show? I wanted to start watching,but I didn't want to see pro-war propoganda crap. Hopefully it's a fair show.
Yes,but is it a gung-ho for the marines show? I wanted to start watching,but I didn't want to see pro-war propoganda crap. Hopefully it's a fair show.

that's like saying the wire is pro drugs, it aint, and its by the same producers
I love how they busted out the most wanted playing cards, actually had a pack a few years ago
I haven't been watching the series enough...only saw about half of the first and second episodes, and am just finishing watching the 5th episode

There seems to be some tension between Brad and Nate, but I remember in the first couple episodes they seemed to confide in each other

So what happened in the 3rd or 4th episode to change that?
I only recently found out that fruity Rudy plays himself in the generation kill, he was a real recon marine and a character in the article/book.
I only recently found out that fruity Rudy plays himself in the generation kill, he was a real recon marine and a character in the article/book.

was he openly gay or did they just call him fruity because he preened a lot?

an openly gay recon marine ... that takes guts
I used to hate the actor who plays Brad until I saw him in this. Probably because he mostly starred in a bunch of sub-standard Swedish films before.

Generation Kill is great.
It's hard to believe this is the same actor.
The book is awesome. Both the book and the show do justice to the many different personalities I've encountered in the military over the last 10 years.
If they did another series on something from the 2 wars, the need to do Operation Anaconda. The book "Not A Good Day To Die" is brilliant.
You're not the only one, the 'Iceman' is really something.

Too right... Knows when he's looking at something hostile (as opposed to the others, with their damn targetting of towns and pipes), knows when to tell Ziggy to shut the feck up... knows when to have a laugh.

I'm glad I'm not alone in having a bit of a man-crush on the Iceman.
I haven't watched this since it first aired, might pick it up on Blue-Ray, remember being very impressed with it.
When Ziggy does that Micheal Jackson impersonation and spits on himself......

Had me in stitches, also I refer to him as Ziggy from The Wire.
Watched the pilot and it bored the hell out of me.
Never fell for this show, perhaps I need to watch it again. Better than "Over there" though, will give it that.
When Ziggy does that Micheal Jackson impersonation and spits on himself......

Had me in stitches, also I refer to him as Ziggy from The Wire.

I love Ziggy and yes he should always be referred to as Ziggy!

Probably gona watch this again now, they had so much scope to do more than the one season, shame really.