Lance Uppercut
According to a post on NeoGAF (via Destructoid), backed up by the rush of gameplay videos now all over YouTube, the leaked version features everything from the full single-player campaign to all the multiplayer options.
Obviously, it can only be played on hacked Xbox 360s, and the leaked version is full of bugs, glitches and development artifacts like green boxes appearing in levels, which is unsurprising considering the game isn't due out until September 20 - a leak over three months early. It's certainly not the way you want to experience what will be one of the Xbox 360's best ever games when it's finished.
This is bad news for Epic, the industry and just about everyone except those who take pleasure in stealing peoples' hard work and playing an incomplete, sub-par experience just for the bragging rights of having it before everyone else.
If you don't want spoilers stay well away from YouTube.
How is it, Biscuit?