Gaming Enthusiasts


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
I'm trying to remember this game which came out in the last 5 or so years which had British characters and you played a cop/detective. I just can't seem to place this game properly as I think it was a disappointment.

From what I remember your character shoots someone he's not supposed to fairly early in the game and that's when things take off.

This is killing me.

I do realize this might possibly be the worst thread ever
You played a gangster in the Getaway, then a cop and a gangster in the 2nd one, Black Monday. You probably played that. It was essentially a GTA tag along to cash in on the popularity of Guy Richie films....I actually quite enjoyed it.

It had good music

It's strange because I remember that the beginning of the game really caught my eye but the rest of it is a blur. I reckon I found it crap thereafter and gave up on it.
I played the first game when released and hated it and was swiftly sold. Bought it again a year later and ended up loving every bit of it. The sequel was horseshit though.

What's happened to The Getaway 3? One minute its in advanced development, then it got canned, and now its supposedly 'on hold'.
I reckon my enjoyment of it stemmed a lot from it being set in a quasi free roam London (which was only really bits of central and soho, a bit of the east end and some made up estates) but I did really like it for a while. From what I actually remember, the game wasn't amazing. The cars were shit. You mainly had the choice of a succession of beige Vaxhaulls.