Game reviewers.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster
How can you take any of them serious anymore?

FIFA Soccer 11 for PS3 - GameSpot

Mafia II for PS3 - GameSpot

Gran Turismo 5 for PS3 - GameSpot

I'm sorry but how can you honestly take any of them seriously. GT5 was easily pushing 90. If they want to play games like Shift and Hot Pursuit, then go and play games like them, don't bitch and whinge that other games that have never been like them, aren't like them :wenger:. Funnily enough, GT5 has completely outsold the Forza series in 2 weeks, and almost every NFS available for the past 5 years on the PS3, so they must be doing something right. What pisses me off is that the feckwits are key to point out the flaws in GT like the Standard cars, but never mention the weather effects or the rally. Its completely unique in that no racing game offers such a complete package.

Mafia 2 was a complete pile of shit. How anybody thought that game was worth more then a 6 is beyond me. Its a complete rip off of Goodfellas, and was chopped to shit so that they could flog off the DLC. 2k took one of biggest and most anticipated PC titles and destroyed it.

Fifa 11 was a good game, but not even close to a 9. Glitches and bugs galore. Its an update rather then a completely new game and gets a 9 ffs.

I guess in this line of work, money talks far more then unbiased opinions.

I may be favored towards GT, but I find it hard to believe that anybody could call it an 8. Most have called it an 8.5/9 and in comparison to the other games is where it should be. In the end I guess we need only look at the sales to see where the game ranks in comparison to other series.
Gamespot is ruled by how much they are payed buy the publishers. Someone gave a game a bad wrap and got fired because the game sponsored the site.

Happypuppy used to be the best.
I've been around enough reviewers to know what they are like, which is why I just don't give a damn anymore.

Although i'm not sure why game sales are that relevant to your rant? lots of great games sell relatively poorly and vice versa.

Just don't waste your time getting wound up mate, even greats like Edge in the 90's was still easily led if a publisher chose to do so.
Vast majority of sites Game GT5 lower than anticipated marks. They cannot be all wrong?? IMO its no better or worse than Forza 3

Ive never played Mafia 2 but I have a couple of mates who think its great....
Mafia II is good, but it was chockablocked with bugs and gameplay problems and could've done with another few months in development. It deserved poorer reviews. Not a patch on the brilliant original.

And what's wrong with Fifa 11 getting 9/10? It's the best football game I've ever played, that's for sure.
Vast majority of sites Game GT5 lower than anticipated marks.

This is not the case, I anticipated that GT5 would not get stellar marks, the writing was on the wall a long time ago in that regard, talking about Hot Pursuit...

I bet it gets a Metacritic score higher than GT5 does.

Half of the problem is that people review things not for what they are but for what they want them to be.

Edge on GT4 (7/10):
Gran Turismo 4 is fundamentally unconcerned with furthering the art of the videogame. This titanic franchise, this critical, load-bearing pillar of PlayStation, is barely even a videogame at all. It's a hobbyist software suite, a racetrack tutorial, an encyclopaedia you can get in and drive off.

Edge on GT5 (7/10):
But this is a production that feels increasingly aged in the face of modern game design. The creeping and eventually overriding feeling is that this meticulously precise simulation, and its lovingly constructed catalogue of automotive history, deserved a little more game to come along for the ride.

Do you notice some similarities going on here? You can't say of a driving simulator "this meticulously precise simulation, and its lovingly constructed catalogue of automotive history" and then knock it points with "deserved a little more game". They want it to be something it's not and never was in the first place.
I don't think most reviewers expect GT to be like Hot Pursuit and stuff like that. It's just that comparatively with what each game should be about, GT5 is not as good as Hot Pursuit. That's what reviewing is about. I had to buy DIRT 2 to kill my racing bug while I waited for Gran Turismo and I really don't appreciate it much. But I reckon the game is well designed, it does all I expected to do quite good and it has no major flaws. So it's natural it gets a better average review.

Gran Turismo 5 on the other hand is a totally rushed game. A lot of fans of the series are unhappy with it. To me it's still the best racer around and the only one I will play on the next years, that doesn't mean I'm not disappointed, because the term of comparison for me is Gran Turismo 4. And GT5 seems unfinished and unpolished compared with it. It's GT life mode is designed in a terrible and impractical way. They focused on the wonderful premium modelling of cars and gave little thought to other more important stuff. The game lacks events compared to previous ones - not only they are less but you're limited in how many you can participate by the horrendous level structure. Many favourite tracks are gone, etc. It's sales numbers can't be used to judge how good it is. People are waiting for this for so long that everyone will buy the game and enjoy it regardless.

I think they could have been less obsessive with the premium modelling and released this game 3 years ago, improving on GT4 and then having time to quietly work on a major GT6 with less time pressure on them.

- B-spec mode, horrible idea - (while before it was an alternate way of winning a race, now it's a different game mode with different prizes, individual trophies, and impact on game progression). - and :lol: at this - GT5 Signature Edition Competition: B-Spec Mode Only - I feel sorry for whoever bought the Signature Edition with this competition in mind.
- Body Rigidity damage, what the hell are those idiotic values, why do they increase more on practice mode than when racing?
- Used car stand, ridiculous.
- So few race options that one ends up grinding the same race over and over to get to the next after a certain point. Yes, you always had to grind for money on GT, but it felt we could do it in a more variable number of ways. Not 125 5-lap races around Daytona.

Racing itself continues to feel better than any game I've ever tried, we have Ferraris now, a lot more cars on track, a few cool things to toy around (Daytona, Karts), the car descriptions are back and extensive (I don't think this is a minor thing, I love it) so there are still a lot of good stuff about this game. But they deserve the punishment they are getting on the reviews for focusing so much on the graphics of a couple of hundred cars and obviously rushing a lot of other more important stuff. Prioritizing graphics has ruined many games, I hope this doesn't go the same way. I hope they pay attention to what fans are complaining about in forum sites and focus on changing it for the next instalment, instead of spending another 5 years modelling more 300 cars.