Game of Fifa On PS3 Anyone?


New Member
Mar 13, 2008
Well? Also state what team you're going to use if so, and PSN name whatever. I'm bored.
Ah, so you are, cant remember how to set this up so I'll have a mooch and get back to you on here
Will have to play again sometime! Hopefully the fifa 09 demo will allow us online too.

I think I won because it seems impossible to beat Portsmouth to headers :s
Anyone fancy a game in about half an hour... Just going to get some munch then i'll be on.

Sorry about that, something came up.

Errm, dont know, shall we say 4 star maximum?

Which lobby are you in and i think you will have to invite me as i dont know how to set up an unranked game...
Cant find the room?

Whats your PSN aswell, so i know who to look out for...
I'll be playing from 11.30 onwards tonight if anyone fancies a game...
Will do, i'll be on in about half an hour if thats alrite?
Will meet you in the My Country Lobby, my Psn thing is Dan260599
Okay, report back. I'll load mine up when you're done...
Okay, now my internet is playing up... Give me a sec....
Ok, i've managed to sign in but had to use my brother's account. Psn is: DnB_Howesy
Nah, was a good game. I just took my chances, you missed a penalty (which we wont talk about) Fancy another?
For some reason, whenever i invite a player to join, it always pauses. Think you will have to invite...
Shit, what happened? That was a fecking epic game till that. It was quite laggy for me though... Suppose we will have to replay :)
aaargh that was a good game aswell, felt abit laggy here aswel and there was no score board or player name things aswell :nervous: .. replay. ;)