Funniest moments in television


Nov 29, 2004
Always the summer's slipping away
To start with:

"Carwash cnut, I had a dental appoointment" - Curb
"What is the deal with politics" - Kramer, Seinfeld
The collective chicken dance in AD
"Jurassic Park!" - Alan Partridge
David Brent's Excalibur poem in The Office
"Carwash cnut, I had a dental appoointment" - Curb

That whole end scene in Curb is one that made me belly-laugh most.

"Bum...feck turd ...fart cnut piss shit bugger, and BALLS"
Rodney Trotter falling through the bar (see Stewart Lee's thoughts on this) was the funniest thing ever in the history of the universe.
Rodney Trotter falling through the bar (see Stewart Lee's thoughts on this) was the funniest thing ever in the history of the universe.


I always liked the bit in bottom where Richie wants to make a TV debates program - the bit before is funny and when he falls down the strairs and ends up head first in the toilets great.

Also red dwarf, the whole legion episode is quality.
To start with:

"Carwash cnut, I had a dental appoointment" - Curb
"What is the deal with politics" - Kramer, Seinfeld
The collective chicken dance in AD
"Jurassic Park!" - Alan Partridge
David Brent's Excalibur poem in The Office

That did make me belly laugh!

This came to mind too.

Ted: Dougal what are you doing???
Dougal: sorry Ted, i just remembered aliens is on after the news.

Also Black Books, when Manny swallows The Little Book of Calm.

and a couple of IT Crowd moments. Firstly the introduction of Douglas Reyhnholm, barging into the funeral and bellowing "FATHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR." Secondly in "Reynholm vs. Reynholm," the whole scene where Moss is being questioned.
I actually went off to do something else, then came back and fixed it before refreshing <_<
The bit in Big Brother when Kinga shoved that wine bottle up herself. I was in tears looking at Antony's reaction :lol:

I still piss myself laughing every single time I watch that. Utter, utter genius.

Along with every Father Ted episode there's ever been.