Frisky Dingo and Archer


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
Two brilliant animated comedies by this bloke Adam Reed. Archer's first season is about to come to and end while I just discovered Frisky Dingo two days ago, its two seasons ended a while back.

Anyone else here watch these two? Pure awesomeness. I would recommend them to anyone who enjoys a smart adult animated comedy.
Never seen Archer but Frisky Dingo is one of the funniest shows I've ever seen;

I think you recommended Archer in a different thread but I couldn't find it anywhere. I sure hope you don't pm me a link to somewhere I could watch it online. That would be wrong.
Yeah I have heard good things about Archer too but havent spent the time to sit down and watch it though
Sorry folks don't have a "place" where you can watch it.

I would say Frisky Dingo is funnier than Archer. Shame each episode is only 10 mins though.
I'm done with both. I actually think Frisky Dingo's better, although the last few episodes did drop in quality considerably.
Loved Frisky Dingo, but I haven't gotten around to Archer yet.

"I smell crickets."