Freeware Video Games

Wonder Pigeon

'Shelbourne FC Supporter'
Apr 8, 2006
Forza Shelbourne
So chaps, what are your favourite freeware video games at the moment? Yesterday I downloaded a game called Super Crate Box and I'm loving it. It's bloody addictive. You collect crates, each crate gives you a new weapon, there are enemies constantly falling out of the top of the screen to run at you and when they fall into the fire pits at the bottom of the screen, they come back extra fast. Very simple and very fun old-school game, I recommend you give it a look if you have time to kill.
Plants vs Zombies is extremely addicting
Urban Terror. It used to be a quake 3 mod in the style of counterstrike but since Quake 3 became open-source they are now releasing a full version of the game for free.
It's online only but it's great fun and more hyper-real than counter strike as you can do wall bouncing etc..

Urban Terror
Urban Terror. It used to be a quake 3 mod in the style of counterstrike but since Quake 3 became open-source they are now releasing a full version of the game for free.
It's online only but it's great fun and more hyper-real than counter strike as you can do wall bouncing etc..

Urban Terror

This looks pretty cool, downloading now. Is there always enough players on to get a game?
This looks pretty cool, downloading now. Is there always enough players on to get a game?

Hundreds of people play it so never a problem getting a good server to play on.
I would recommend downloading Qtracker as it gives you better control over what servers etc...
