Free Promo taster of my upcoming E.P

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000


So finally I had the E.P mastered last week and now have a finished product. Delighted with how it's turned out. The artwork was cut slightly short as my sister's laptop was stolen on her which was unfortunate; alas not to worry.

The link below is a free promo taster of the 5 tracks that will feature on the E.P titled Carnival Red. I will be releasing the E.P this Summer (available via iTunes etc) and will keep you posted via this thread.

Once again, a heartfelt thank you to the Cafties who have supported and encouraged me from the get-go. You're legends.
I remember you posted Funeral Frank a while back and I liked it. I listened to this promo and your music isn't my cup of tea (I'm a hiphop head), but I can appreciate your talent. Good luck, man, and I hope you get some good publicity.
Cheers Badunk. The first lesson a musician must learn is that music is completely subjective, and you simply cannot write to everyone's taste. It's kinda why I inwardly laugh when I hear prima donna musicians get all uppity just because someone isn't into what they write. The most important thing is to love what you do and acknowledge that where there are 5 people who aren't into your music, there will be another 5 that are :)

Do you like trip-hop by any chance, or is that a little slow for your liking? The reason I ask is because I received some great news last week regarding a side project I will be involved in, based in Berlin. I will be doing vocals for a producer whose material is very geared towards that genre. It may be something more up your street. Ultimately I think it's important that I target as many genres as I can relative to my personal ability; kinda like an actor doing comedy as well as serious drama.
Nah, man, I'm a traditionalist. Hiphop actually got shit from about 2005 onwards and there's only a handful of gems that've been released since the golden era of the early-mid 90s.

I dig your lyrics. So even though the music isn't to my taste, I like your writing style.
I like it but I prefer the more acoustic, one man and his guitar sound . Good voice, wish I could sing!
Good stuff there Kinky you've come a hell of a long way from the last offering a few years back and the songs sound much better with the amount of instruments being used when compared to the last one.

I doff my hat to you :drool:
I feel I should mention I keep listening to the preview as if it were a track, looking forward to the EP.