Frank Skinner - Opinionated

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
He's just not funny at all. He's talking way too much. He should let the guests talk a bit more and shut up for a bit

His guests actually look bored
He definitely loves himself a bit too much.

That's definitely the vibe I get which is a shame because....well.....I'll say it again, he's just not funny. You compare the humor on his show to a show like 'Mock the Week.' They leave him for dead.

I guess he'd say that his show is not primarily a comedy show but more so discussion of opinion with some light humor but that's a cop out. He'd love it if everyone thought his show was hilarious
I used to love his shows with Baddiel.

Unfortunately these days, 'opinionated' seems to reek of 'ignorance', although I've never watched his new show, the title really puts me off.

Speaking of ignorance, Question Time is about to start.
I never listened to it, much like the rest of the radio to be honest. This is the first time I've seen him. I've heard lots about him but that's about it

Not radio, the ITV show. Probably most famous for him dancing in his underpants to Britney Spears but he was generally Frank Skinner without trying to be funny thus 90% of the time coming across as a smug cnut.
That's definitely the vibe I get which is a shame because....well.....I'll say it again, he's just not funny. You compare the humor on his show to a show like 'Mock the Week.' They leave him for dead.

I guess he'd say that his show is not primarily a comedy show but more so discussion of opinion with some light humor but that's a cop out. He'd love it if everyone thought his show was hilarious

Mock the Weak is the biggest load of unfunny bollocks on TV
Used to love that footy show he did, Badiel and Skinner Unplanned and also some of his early stand up.
This show is very hit and miss due to it not being scripted and the guests being generally awful. Frank Skinner is a very funny man though. His autobiography is fantastic and I'd recommend it to anyone.
Does he still do stand up?

Get some of his shows from 10+ years ago if you can. Some of the funniest stand up I've ever seen.

One of his that always made me laugh was something along the lines of...

"The missus has told me we're gonna need to get some nappies in"

*cue all the women in the audience going "aaaaaaaaaah" simultaneously

"Yeah, apparently her arse muscles are packing up"
That's definitely the vibe I get which is a shame because....well.....I'll say it again, he's just not funny. You compare the humor on his show to a show like 'Mock the Week.' They leave him for dead.

I guess he'd say that his show is not primarily a comedy show but more so discussion of opinion with some light humor but that's a cop out. He'd love it if everyone thought his show was hilarious

fecking hell, it must be really shit if that is the case.
Skinner's alright, he's just one note: Sarky, smug brummy cnut. Once you've seen his schtick for, what 20 years now? It probably grates a bit. He can't do much else. He tried to write a sitcom once, it was fecking awful.

Like cw said, Fantasy Football was class, and wouldn't've worked without him.

Not radio, the ITV show. Probably most famous for him dancing in his underpants to Britney Spears.

Surely it was most famous for Tara Palmer Tompkinson being chiseled off her box?
His radio show on Absolute is very entertaining.
Cant stand Skinner - never could tbh. He loves himself for some bizarre reason. I get the impression he regards himself as a National Treasure & all round man of the people. He's a cringey bollox - thats what he is!

Having read his books I say it couldn't be further from the truth.
I haven't watched "Opinionated" but in general I would say I am fairly pro Frank Skinner. He's one of the best guest presenters on HIGNFY and to be fair to him he's managed to be fairly funny with the hindrance of Baddiel for quite a few years.
I saw a bit and didn't think it was that funny, not to sure what happened to Frank he use to be very funny guy.