Where did I say you did? Calm down boy. I was responding to you saying that it's a myth that PC players are better than console players, when it's not since they got annihilated against them. It's the only test you can do.
Faster and more accurate is better than slower and less accurate. But it doesn't matter, it bewilders me as to why console players get so irked by the notion that PCs are better, who gives a feck? The PC is more powerful than a console and easier to use/more accurate therefore it's better, it's common sense and it's not a bad thing. I don't see people on pushbikes starting arguments with people in cars saying that their way of transport is quicker or better when it's blatantly not. It's just one of those things that is, but it doesn't really mean anything. The reason console players aren't as good is because they are hindered by the machine they use, not a personal skill thing. It's fairly simple and easy to accept, it doesn't need to be an argument.
Console players don't need to be better at what they do, because they are playing against people exactly the same. They would only need to be better at what they do if they were actually gaming VS PC players. Playing console vs console you don't have to be better because the level of challenge is lowered due to everyone being on the restrictive console.
Also the M+K being crippling to the hands is bizarre, it isn't uncomfortable at all, it's the same setup that many of us use 8 hours a day at work, myself 11 hours a day. The console is more crippling to your thumbs from using the analogue sticks, but again none of that matters I don't know why you've put that in there.
Anyway, the long and short of it is yes PCs are better for FPS than consoles because they aren't as restrictive, the aiming is faster and more accurate and the graphics can piss all over them, but this isn't anything a PC gamer should use as a bragging stick, and it isn't anything console gamers should get upset about, it's just common sense. A Mini driver can't try telling a Ferrari driver that his car isn't as fast, nor should he get upset when the Ferrari driver points out that his car is faster. It's just what it is.
So don't get your knickers in a twist, I wasn't trying to start what you think I was.