For the Tom Waits fans

Tom Waits is beyond cool... I might up my boozing and smoking a bit in a desperate attempt to attain a semblance of the grit in his voice.
Tom Waits is brilliant. Rain Dogs is probably my favorite album - every one of the 19 tracks is great - but I love almost everything he does.
I might give Rain Dogs another chance, but probably not.

Anyway, this was brilliant:


One of my faves... such flow, such attitude... Smoking like a Frenchman in the process...

Starts at 1:22 for those who'd rather skip the bit of tuning up.

From wikipedia: Lurie and Waits fish for snapper in Jamaica. Waits catches a fish and puts it in his pants, but then becomes grumpy.

God damn it. I read 'Fisting with John' for the first two videos. Know idea why. Surprised by it coming from you but thought it might be some kind of Irish thing and not a disgusting thing.
Stupid brain only reading first and last latter and making me read no good.
I implore any and all of you to watch any episode of Fishing with John...either with or without Tom Waits....