For all you gloating Gunners


Full Member
Aug 25, 2001
Birmingham and Manchester
I have it on good authority that Vierra is going to Real Madrid (no if's or buts)
It will come out after the world cup
Watch this space
<img src="graemlins/devil.gif" border="0" alt="[Devil]" />
Apparently it will come before the world cup according to the spanish pundit, guillem ballague - on sky sports la liga review. He said that personal terms have already been agreed between vieira and real, all that has to be done now is negoitiations between the two clubs, with real willing to pay bet. £25-£30mill for him as they dont see him in the same league as a figo or zidane.

What arse fans have to ask themselves, is this, why when he has a few days off, given all the world destinations he could chose and more importantly the feact that he is from france, would he chose to visit madrid, rather than go and see family in france, for example!

And more importantly what the feck does he need a spanish agent for?

Goodbye Pat! :D
Only problem is - what are they going to do with the £30 million? Hopefully it won't be one of those selling Overmars buying Pires or selling Anelka buying Henry things.
Perhaps they need the cash to fund their new stadium (I hope so - and they can sell Henry and Pires as well for that matter.!)