Footballers and Tattoo's


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
Watching the world cup, I'm pretty astounded at how many international renowned footballers have tattoo's. I think every team has had at least 4 or 5 of the first team who have painted over their skins with the stuff.

I personally find tattoo's very unseemly and tasteless ... I dont see the attraction and think it its not classy at all and makes one look like a tosser. But then again, Im not a multi millionaire footballer so what would I know?



Miereles or whatever his name was for Portugal was fecking loaded with them
I think it works on Beckham, anything works on Beckham. He's cool as feck.
Footballers always do what cool people of their age did about 5 years ago.
Watching the world cup, I'm pretty astounded at how many international renowned footballers have tattoo's. I think every team has had at least 4 or 5 of the first team who have painted over their skins with the stuff.

I personally find tattoo's very unseemly and tasteless ... I dont see the attraction and think it its not classy at all and makes one look like a tosser. But then again, Im not a multi millionaire footballer so what would I know?

Interestingly enough it is rooney that has tats whereas the so called tosser 'ronaldo' doesn't have any (that i know of).
I don't think they look too bad now, but then again tattoos always look worse on lard arses.
Just goes to show how retarded it is to make judgfootballer'spersonalitis personalities based on whether or not they have a tattoo.

Or anybody else's personalities. I don't really understand the opening post, are tattoo's unique only to multi-millionaire footballers...?
Or anybody else's personalities. I don't really understand the opening post, are tattoo's unique only to multi-millionaire footballers...?

No. I was just pointing out that footballers tend to have one. Just watching the games 3 times a day, more often than not, a player has one. They dont where I work or indeed most of my friends.

And its my opinion (and only that) that tattoo's are not a very nice thing to have. But thats just my opinion. You're welcome to have your own and indeed state it if you so wish.
No. I was just pointing out that footballers tend to have one. Just watching the games 3 times a day, more often than not, a player has one. They dont where I work or indeed most of my friends.

And its my opinion (and only that) that tattoo's are not a very nice thing to have. But thats just my opinion. You're welcome to have your own and indeed state it if you so wish.

the thing is i dont mind a tattoo or two, but not 7 of them and a massive one on the back thats too much. i have to say though some of them are cool. that Ireland one is fecking terrible!!!
No. I was just pointing out that footballers tend to have one. Just watching the games 3 times a day, more often than not, a player has one. They dont where I work or indeed most of my friends.

And its my opinion (and only that) that tattoo's are not a very nice thing to have. But thats just my opinion. You're welcome to have your own and indeed state it if you so wish.

That depends on the tat!

Some tats are brilliant and look great on the right person, whereas some tats are horrible.

This one is nice I think:

She's a bit hancey Fancey

It kinda goes against the OPs statement of "tattoo's are very unseemly and tasteless ... I dont see the attraction and think it its not classy at all and makes one look like a tosser"

I'd say her's do exactly the opposite.

It aint unsightly to me, in fact I want to look at her more because of it.
It kinda goes against the OPs statement of "tattoo's are very unseemly and tasteless ... I dont see the attraction and think it its not classy at all and makes one look like a tosser"

I'd say her's do exactly the opposite.

It aint unsightly to me, in fact I want to look at her more because of it.

Im sure the fact that she has no clothes on has something to do with that! ;)
What a stupid and ignorant post. Where do you live? If I go to a swimming pool you see how popular tattoo's are. People often get tattoo's but stay a way from the neck or forearm area because of prejudice and ignorance.

It's only becoming more and more popular and the stigma of only sailors and former inmates having them is going away.