Football is suing football due to there being too much football

Good, I hope they sue the shit out of them. Football’s been getting away with it for far too long.
FIFA are clearly pieces of shit who want a bigger slice of the money pie. They saw this gap in the off season for European teams with no World cup or Euros and thought feck it lets make a 32 team Club World cup where we can make a shit ton of money. Where it gets complicated is there are probably some lesser leagues who are supportive of this idea. They only benefit from playing the big boys and their seasons are possibly already ongoing or it's still financially positive for them. This case probably gets a verdict before the 115 charges FC case though.
We're all just gonna gloss over the fact that the article was written by Nick Mashiter?
We're all just gonna gloss over the fact that the article was written by Nick Mashiter?
I thought you were pulling my leg when I read that but nope...go back to the article and thats his name :lol:
if netball can forgive football, then why can’t we?
FIFA are clearly pieces of shit who want a bigger slice of the money pie. They saw this gap in the off season for European teams with no World cup or Euros and thought feck it lets make a 32 team Club World cup where we can make a shit ton of money. Where it gets complicated is there are probably some lesser leagues who are supportive of this idea. They only benefit from playing the big boys and their seasons are possibly already ongoing or it's still financially positive for them. This case probably gets a verdict before the 115 charges FC case though.
Problem with Club World Cup is that no one wants it other than FIFA. They don't even have a broadcaster at present for next summers tournament as broadcasters know the interest will be minimal.
The Euros was damaged by too many games. The new CL format looks frankly quite awful. Club world cup...meh. FIFA will ruin the game
The expanded FIFA World Cup is quite possibly the most pointless thing in the history of football. They can claim clubs are acting in self interest all they like in regards to pre season tours but at the end of the day having a pre season is compulsory.

It’s up to the players though, as long as they sit back and collect the money and not seriously do something about it, nothing will change. They will milk this cow to its bones if they have to.
FIFA are clearly pieces of shit who want a bigger slice of the money pie. They saw this gap in the off season for European teams with no World cup or Euros and thought feck it lets make a 32 team Club World cup where we can make a shit ton of money. Where it gets complicated is there are probably some lesser leagues who are supportive of this idea. They only benefit from playing the big boys and their seasons are possibly already ongoing or it's still financially positive for them. This case probably gets a verdict before the 115 charges FC case though.
Yep, fifa will claim “inclusion” and “think of the little guys benefitting from this”….all while lining their own pockets more and more in the process.
The governing bodies have been taking the piss but there must be some common sense applied by clubs / managers / players too.

Why is resting players no longer a thing? Why do teams in Europe field starters in the league cup? Didn’t Newcastle or some team play a friendly after the season ended last year? Why does Pep make very few subs or often make no subs at all? Why does he ignore the likes of 50m Nunes on the bench and then complain about fixtures? Why were the ghosts of multiple players not subbed despite serving up shockers at the Euros? Do the likes of Portugal need to bring a full strength side to batter Luxembourg and Liechtenstein in qualification?

Im splitting hairs but it would be much easier to be sympathetic if there wasn’t so much mental stuff going on under their own control.
FIFA can get fecked, but the action should be against UEFA too.

Im still not sure why we allowed the continentals to take control of a game we invented. Why we would entrust that to French organisations I don’t know.
Uefa and FA are surely part of the problem of too many games?

I wouldn't necessarily blame the FA. If anything, they've reduced the number of games by initially reducing and eventually scrapping FA Cup replays. The Premier League schedule hasn't changed, and actually reduced since its inception.

But UEFA and Fifa have gone the other way, expanding international tournaments (Euros from 8 teams in 1992 to 24 now, World Cup from 24 teams in 1994 to 48 now), expanding international club tournaments (CL and Uefa Cup/Europa League), and creating new tournaments (Club World Cup, Conference League, Nations League).
The governing bodies have been taking the piss but there must be some common sense applied by clubs / managers / players too.

Why is resting players no longer a thing? Why do teams in Europe field starters in the league cup? Didn’t Newcastle or some team play a friendly after the season ended last year? Why does Pep make very few subs or often make no subs at all? Why does he ignore the likes of 50m Nunes on the bench and then complain about fixtures? Why were the ghosts of multiple players not subbed despite serving up shockers at the Euros? Do the likes of Portugal need to bring a full strength side to batter Luxembourg and Liechtenstein in qualification?

Im splitting hairs but it would be much easier to be sympathetic if there wasn’t so much mental stuff going on under their own control.

Same reason why there's extra games and extra competitions: Money.
FIFA are clearly pieces of shit who want a bigger slice of the money pie. They saw this gap in the off season for European teams with no World cup or Euros and thought feck it lets make a 32 team Club World cup where we can make a shit ton of money. Where it gets complicated is there are probably some lesser leagues who are supportive of this idea. They only benefit from playing the big boys and their seasons are possibly already ongoing or it's still financially positive for them. This case probably gets a verdict before the 115 charges FC case though.

Football does indeed want a bigger slice of the pie, but Football doesn't want to allow it.

Which is fine because Football suing Football is definitely not football being a hypocrite towards football at all *cough* Premier League Summer Series *cough*

If football can't co exist with football then the only loser will be football because without football football would be nothing.
As long as football is the winner at the end of the day, I don't care about the outcome.
At the end of the day, football is football. There is no point football suing football. Football need to have more conversations with football to resolve it amicably.