Flight 93


Full Member
Jun 1, 2008
Amidst squeaky bums.
Anyone seen this film about the fourth plane of 9/11? It's utterly moving and incomprehensible, I cried about fifteen minutes in and have only just stopped. An incredible story for unfortunately all the wrong reasons, a real emotional rollercoaster, and a tribute to those who died and their families.

Tells the story right from the beginning of the day, all about the terroists, their backgrounds, the passengers and their families, phonecalls on the plane right until the crew and passengers fight back themselves.

Seen it twice now and I can't but help share and feel the pain.
It's probably not true, though. USAF likely shot down that plane because they knew it'd been hijacked, they just couldn't publically announce that as there would have been hell to pay had it become known the military had killed US citizens.

And of course a story of normal people doing something utterly heroic in sacrificing their lives to save many more people and take down the terrorists was exactly what the world, and particularly America, needed to hear, meaning it was never really questioned.
Its a great film, the worst thing for me was they were so bloody close to saving themselves.

And Count, they based it off of recordings from the cockpit, in flight telephones and such.

Oh and if you like films based on 9/11 I highly reccomend World Trade Center, the one with Nick Cage, realy enjoyed that aswell
Its a great film, the worst thing for me was they were so bloody close to saving themselves.

And Count, they based it off of recordings from the cockpit, in flight telephones and such.

Oh and if you like films based on 9/11 I highly reccomend World Trade Center, the one with Nick Cage, realy enjoyed that aswell

Yeh, but that's really easy to fake. I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist, but this one just makes sense to me. It's in the government's best interests to continue having people believe this story. (1) because it gives people hope that normal people can stand up and make a difference, and (2) because if it came to light that USAF had shot that plane down the repercussions would be unbelieveable.
Yeh, but that's really easy to fake. I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist, but this one just makes sense to me. It's in the government's best interests to continue having people believe this story. (1) because it gives people hope that normal people can stand up and make a difference, and (2) because if it came to light that USAF had shot that plane down the repercussions would be unbelieveable.

In response to (2) probably not
Yeh, but that's really easy to fake. I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist, but this one just makes sense to me. It's in the government's best interests to continue having people believe this story. (1) because it gives people hope that normal people can stand up and make a difference, and (2) because if it came to light that USAF had shot that plane down the repercussions would be unbelieveable.

Oh aye, it would make sense but I still think otherwise.

Also when you consider that the familys would have lied aswell....I just dont see it being the case
In response to (2) probably not

Perhaps not now, although I reckon there'd still be an element of "why did you lie to us all this time?", but in the immediate aftermath of terrorists killing hundreds of US citizens the last thing the public wanted to hear was that the US military had killed a handful more, justified or not (and personally I believe that, given the circumstances, it was justified).
Thousands died, thousdands more could have if that plane would have reached the Capitol
Yeh, but that's really easy to fake. I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist, but this one just makes sense to me. It's in the government's best interests to continue having people believe this story. (1) because it gives people hope that normal people can stand up and make a difference, and (2) because if it came to light that USAF had shot that plane down the repercussions would be unbelieveable.

That is the last thing the Bush/Cheney administration wanted.
Thousands died, thousdands more could have if that plane would have reached the Capitol

Sorry, I wasn't quite sure of the number and didn't want to sound melodramatic, but I agree completely.

Whatever happened, whether the passengers stormed the cockpit or it was shot down, it would have been a lot worse if it had reached the capital.
It would have been the worst building to get hit as well, symbolically at least.
No, the President isnt there that often anyways. Bush was at some school in Florida I believe reading to children. I think Cheney (President of the Senate) was either there or the WHite House at the time of the attack.
United 93 and Flight 93 are the same film. It got renamed at some point for some reason.

Great film and very moving.

As for the conspiracy theory stuff I just don't see it. Nobody would have complained if hijacked planes had been shot down.
United 93 and Flight 93 are the same film. It got renamed at some point for some reason.

Great film and very moving.

As for the conspiracy theory stuff I just don't see it. Nobody would have complained if hijacked planes had been shot down.

Realy? I could swear ive seen two different films on it :lol: According to Wiki Flight 93 is a film that went straight to tv in America and and United 93 was made for cinemas. Either way, it doesnt realy matter does it :)

edit: Seems I was right, they are two different films, United 93 being the better one imo so if you guys havnt seen it I highly reccomend it.

The ending especialy is much much better:

Also, another thing to go against Counts theory of 93 actualy being shot down and the government coverd it up due to the reaction from the public being bad is that most people wanted the origional two to be destroyed and is infact one of the reasons why people think 9/11 alone was an inside job due to the planes being sent the wrong way.

All of the theories are bollocks and the theorists are fecking idiots.
Realy? I could swear ive seen two different films on it :lol: According to Wiki Flight 93 is a film that went straight to tv in America and and United 93 was made for cinemas. Either way, it doesnt realy matter does it :)

edit: Seems I was right, they are two different films, United 93 being the better one imo so if you guys havnt seen it I highly reccomend it.

The ending especialy is much much better:

There were 2 films about this I think. United 93 was originally called Flight 93 at least in development. I don't know about the other one.

I'll check IMDB

I just checked and yes the TV movie (which wasn't very good apparently) was called Flight 93. I don't know if United 93 was changed to avoid confusion or if the TV movie was called Flight 93 only after that name became free.
There were 2 films about this I think. United 93 was originally called Flight 93 at least in development. I don't know about the other one.

I'll check IMDB

I just checked and yes the TV movie (which wasn't very good apparently) was called Flight 93. I don't know if United 93 was changed to avoid confusion or if the TV movie was called Flight 93 only after that name became free.

I think the tv movie is what the OP watched as it was on more4 today, which is why I pointed it out.

Why the hell did they make two bloody films anyway, wasnt one enough? :lol:
United 93 was quality, I doubt Flight 93 or what not was as good.
It was quite traumatic to watch for me I will admit, had to get stoned to watch it. I don't know if I will ever watch World Trade Center with Nic Cage because my cousin was one of the FDNY that lost his life that day.
I didn't think WTC was a patch on United 93. I think that avoiding most of the event to concentrate on 2 survivors removed most of the context of the event to the point where it really spoiled the film. My guess is that worrying too much about making a film about 9/11 and the public/relatives reaction made them play it safe to the point where the film was pointless. A total contrast to the emotion that was conveyed by United 92.
I didn't think WTC was a patch on United 93. I think that avoiding most of the event to concentrate on 2 survivors removed most of the context of the event to the point where it really spoiled the film. My guess is that worrying too much about making a film about 9/11 and the public/relatives reaction made them play it safe to the point where the film was pointless. A total contrast to the emotion that was conveyed by United 92.

Which is why they really should've waited a while. It's not like they'd have less information to work with as time went on. It seemed like they waited just long enough so that it wouldn't be considered "too soon". Of course if they had waited 50 years or so then it could've resulted in a movie like "Pearl Harbor" starring the Ben Affleck of tomorrow.
I didn't think WTC was a patch on United 93. I think that avoiding most of the event to concentrate on 2 survivors removed most of the context of the event to the point where it really spoiled the film. My guess is that worrying too much about making a film about 9/11 and the public/relatives reaction made them play it safe to the point where the film was pointless. A total contrast to the emotion that was conveyed by United 92.

United 93
The one I meant in the OP was Flight 93; I thought it was brilliant although the other ending does seem a little better as some of you have pointed out.
It was quite traumatic to watch for me I will admit, had to get stoned to watch it. I don't know if I will ever watch World Trade Center with Nic Cage because my cousin was one of the FDNY that lost his life that day.

Ah man, i'm very sorry to hear that.

Regarding the film, it was a very good watch I thought but there are obviously some very saddening bits so i think you are right in avoiding that one.
really was an excellent film very moving and inspiring ,
as for conspiracy theories i am having none of it and in fact they are insulting .
really was an excellent film very moving and inspiring ,
as for conspiracy theories i am having none of it and in fact they are insulting .

Agreed mate, I don't buy them at all. Would the authorities really want to be living a lie with all those thousands of families who lost someone in the tragedy? I doubt it very much.