Fleet Foxes


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
Going to see the Fleet Foxes tonight at the Roundhouse, should be good, but when will I learn to check the date first before I go booking gig tickets!? The number of crucial European games I miss for this reason is crazy...
I thought they were excellent live.

Would rather see Utd V Milan though.
Amazing gig last night. A fan-folking-tastic singer and performance. I'd recommend them to anyone!
did the drummer do the support set? he was excellent when i saw them....his girlfriend sang harmonies with him and various members of fleet foxes joined him now and again too.

his girlfriend is sexy as feck..
did the drummer do the support set? he was excellent when i saw them....his girlfriend sang harmonies with him and various members of fleet foxes joined him now and again too.

his girlfriend is sexy as feck..
Yeah, J. Tillman. He actually replaced the original drummer before they got super famous.
Going to see the Fleet Foxes tonight at the Roundhouse, should be good, but when will I learn to check the date first before I go booking gig tickets!? The number of crucial European games I miss for this reason is crazy...

Going to se them May 1st, looking forward to it.