Finding Bigfoot?


The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
Anyone watch this show? It's on Animal Planet here in the states. Of course they never find any convincing evidence of bigfoot, but it is entertaining in its own weird way.

Every place they go is squatchy. Even if they find no evidence they are sure bigfoots are there. And of course they use headmounted cameras pointed back at their own faces instead of out towards the things they claim to see, lol.

Bobo is the best of the bunch, probably mildly retarded, he might actually be the best evidence that bigfoot exists since he is probably the result of some breeding between a bigfoot and his mom.
These programmes are always a waste of space given that you know full well that if they had found Bigfoot, Nessie or whoever, it would have long since been plastered all over the news worldwide.
Is it like that Ancient Alines thing on History. I've seen a couple of episodes.
Dont have words to describe it...
I'll never forget a few years ago I was sitting down eating my dinner when I heard the cattle kicking up a fuss abroad in the field, they were going mental, when I got up to look out the window to see what was going on I was amazed to see that there was a bigfoot running around after them. After around 10 minutes of running around after them he just jumped over a ditch & headed off through the fields. I never saw the fecker since.
I'll never forget a few years ago I was sitting down eating my dinner when I heard the cattle kicking up a fuss abroad in the field, they were going mental, when I got up to look out the window to see what was going on I was amazed to see that there was a bigfoot running around after them. After around 10 minutes of running around after them he just jumped over a ditch & headed off through the fields. I never saw the fecker since.

I would have been more impressed if you saw a chupacabra
Is it like that Ancient Alines thing on History. I've seen a couple of episodes.
Dont have words to describe it...

More along the lines of some of the paranormal investigation shows. 3 guys and girl go out in the woods investigate big foot sightings. 3 are true believers, one is sort of a sceptic. Head mounted cameras always pointed back at their faces so we can't see what they claim to see.

But yes also along the lines of Ancient Aliens in that anything and everything they see or hear is attributed to bigfoot.

Again, no surprise they never find anything, but for some odd reason it is entertaining. Will see if the 2nd season can hold up or not.
I find it hilarious. Everything they mention they present it as fact even though they clearly have no evidence whatsoever to back up any of these "facts".
I find it hilarious. Everything they mention they present it as fact even though they clearly have no evidence whatsoever to back up any of these "facts".

Yeah that is always great when they talk about how bigfoots live, how they hunt, what they like to eat when they are really just talking out their ass.
This is the worst show I have ever seen. I got so disgusted after watching a few, absolutely useless, time-wasting episodes. A batch of four blithering idiots just constantly talking about how they have seen fecking bigfoots everywhere in the past 25 years but nothing conclusive has ever come up in any of their fecking episodes. Bunch of assholes. At night time where ever they go, they howl and when there is a similar sound somewhere, they confirm themselves that a squatch fecking exists in that place.
Is it like that Ancient Alines thing on History. I've seen a couple of episodes.
Dont have words to describe it...

Ancient Aliens is fantastic. It's about time someone offered a credible alternative view to the evolution of man.
Ancient Aliens is fantastic. It's about time someone offered a credible alternative view to the evolution of man.
These programmes are always a waste of space given that you know full well that if they had found Bigfoot, Nessie or whoever, it would have long since been plastered all over the news worldwide.

A bit like most haunted really. Every episode you watch you know they aren't going to catch anything on film groundbreaking or, like you said, it would be world news.