Films that SHOULD be remade

Missing out on plenty of great films then, shame you judge people you don't know like that.
Missing out on plenty of great films then, shame you judge people you don't know like that.

mmm, The Deer Hunter? Apart from that I cannot think of any really good films with her in it.

I cannot stand her
I'd love to see a version of the Odyssey made using today's effects.
mmm, The Deer Hunter? Apart from that I cannot think of any really good films with her in it.

I cannot stand her

Deer Hunter isn't that good really, although the acting is very stellar in it.

Kramer vs Kramer, Manhattan, Sophies Choice, Doubt, A Prairie Home Companion, Fantastic Mr. Fox(albeit voice only), Ironweed....

Aliens vs Predator
I know its been remade already but there is massive room for improvement

Worst movie ever, had nothing to do with the game (Doom 3 has an amazing storyline just steal it), dont have The Rock in it
IMO Aliens vs Predator has never been a good concept at all.

Im not a fan at all of remakes, revamps or sequels from movies of years ago. But if they put their minds to it they could make amazing individual Alien and Predator movies.

It wont happen though
IMO Aliens vs Predator has never been a good concept at all.

Im not a fan at all of remakes, revamps or sequels from movies of years ago. But if they put their minds to it they could make amazing individual Alien and Predator movies.

It wont happen though

There are a few decent AvP novels that came out long before the movies in fact the first movie is just a watered down version of the first novel
The Golden Compass. My most miserable experience ever in a cinema. I'd waited years for someone to make these books, and this was so bad they'll never get to the last two.
Signs had potential. The acting was good, the music was creepy, and I really liked the first 3/4 of the movie. Remake it, take out the religious/destiny stuff, make a better ending, and it would be a better movie
That's the one where Aliens invaded earth despite being allergic to water?

I think it'd need more than a better ending.