Films That NEVER Should Have Been a Sequel

Harry potter and whatever the shit he is up against.
Lord of the rings

That last American pie movie.
Alien Resurrection should never have been made, the first three were good though.
Harry potter and whatever the shit he is up against.
Lord of the rings

That last American pie movie.

They're examples of multiple films needed in order to complete a single story arch. One of the few who use the medium of a sequel in the right way albeit the subject matter may not be to your taste.
Speed 2

The Transporter 2

Titanic 2

XXX er..2?

I STILL know what you did last Summer

Scary Movie 2

There are serious arguments the first one shouldn't have been made in most cases.
Word, it was shite.

What the feck was that all about, which English prisons are in the fecking desert by the way? I turned it off after seven or eight mins...

I had to watch it all the way through. It's one of the most laughable attempts at film making I have ever seen.

More to the point what prisons decide who gets early release with a game of fecking football?

Was the director on fecking crack????
I had to watch it all the way through. It's one of the most laughable attempts at film making I have ever seen.

More to the point what prisons decide who gets early release with a game of fecking football?

Was the director on fecking crack????

Prison Governor not director unless it was one of those private prisons!
Never seen the film though and will make sure I do not now!!
Prison Governor not director unless it was one of those private prisons!
Never seen the film though and will make sure I do not now!!

I meant the director of the film. but I see what you mean :angel:

You have to watch's probably the worst thing I have ever seen.
:nono: At The Matrix, that story is so massive, the backstory and 'universe' as it is is so huge that it needs multiple films to explore, infact it still needs more sequels to explain the story fully. The debate about whether the films were good or shit and whether the sequels were shite or not is something different entirely... but it definitely needed sequels if not better ones than it actually got.
Toxic Avenger 5
Starship Troopers 2
Starship Troopers 3
Speed 2
Donnie Darko

If ever theres a reason to not have a sequel, its when the main character dies at the end of the original film. But that didnt stop them making S. Darko :wenger: