Films that have affected your life


Full Member
Oct 26, 2004
With me it was Shawshank Redemption.

I went through a very rough period a few years back: one disaster followed by another and then another and things went that way for few years.

There's a scene in Shawshank when Andy Dufresne is with Red the day before his escape and he tells red: "I was in the path of the tornado... I just didn't expect the storm would last as long as it has."

I found that that quote kept me calm and gave me perspective.

Any of you been similarly affected by film(s)?
Rambo: First Blood

When he's in that mine, after being trapped by the army blowing the opening up and he's crawling through those rats - it really makes you think.

You could be just a loner, experiencing new things and people will always take an automatic dislike to you because of their preconceived notions of how they expect you to behave and what they expect you to be like. You're walking through a town and before you know it you're being showered with a fire hose and then you're covered in rats. Take what you're given and deal with it, don't run away - stay and sort it out. Prove that you're not the trouble maker they first perceived you as.

You know what I mean? People are always dicks to the most undeserving of people. Take John for example, a hero, coming back from a terrible time and that's how he was thanked? I'd react the same way as him. Don't roll over because "the man" told you too. When someone gives you piss and tells you its juice, don't be the kind of pussy to drink it. Stand up for yourself and don't be afraid, don't let anyone change you into someone you're not. Don't change your personality to fit into their cliques, be yourself even if that involves killing a shedload of people with sticks because they washed you with a power hose and hit you with a baton. Why should you conform to their quiet little lives and their small town mentality because they don't like you for who you are? Blow shit up - metaphorically speaking of course. Start your own war with authority, don't be a victim. You do your bit for society so it's time for society to do something for you.

I cry at the end, I do, every time. He's just a boy inside who hasn't known any different his whole life. He is what he was bred to be and he can't change that now. He is who he is because that's how YOU wanted him to be, don't think YOU have the right to mold him differently now because your idealistic views have changed to something that was different 30 years ago. No.

Be who you are and no one else. Stand up for what you believe in. Challenge authority and don't conform to anyones stupid unrealistic ideas of a peaceful life. Live life to its fullest.
Rambo: First Blood

When he's in that mine, after being trapped by the army blowing the opening up and he's crawling through those rats - it really makes you think.

You could be just a loner, experiencing new things and people will always take an automatic dislike to you because of their preconceived notions of how they expect you to behave and what they expect you to be like. You're walking through a town and before you know it you're being showered with a fire hose and then you're covered in rats. Take what you're given and deal with it, don't run away - stay and sort it out. Prove that you're not the trouble maker they first perceived you as.

You know what I mean? People are always dicks to the most undeserving of people. Take John for example, a hero, coming back from a terrible time and that's how he was thanked? I'd react the same way as him. Don't roll over because "the man" told you too. When someone gives you piss and tells you its juice, don't be the kind of pussy to drink it. Stand up for yourself and don't be afraid, don't let anyone change you into someone you're not. Don't change your personality to fit into their cliques, be yourself even if that involves killing a shedload of people with sticks because they washed you with a power hose and hit you with a baton. Why should you conform to their quiet little lives and their small town mentality because they don't like you for who you are? Blow shit up - metaphorically speaking of course. Start your own war with authority, don't be a victim. You do your bit for society so it's time for society to do something for you.

I cry at the end, I do, every time. He's just a boy inside who hasn't known any different his whole life. He is what he was bred to be and he can't change that now. He is who he is because that's how YOU wanted him to be, don't think YOU have the right to mold him differently now because your idealistic views have changed to something that was different 30 years ago. No.

Be who you are and no one else. Stand up for what you believe in. Challenge authority and don't conform to anyones stupid unrealistic ideas of a peaceful life. Live life to its fullest.


I concur; unless you want to get nitpicky in which case every film I have watched has taken two hours or so out of my life when I could have been doing something more productive.
Blue Moon Rising

"Blue Moon Rising reinforces Manchester City's standing as the most fascinating story in the world of football. [...] Our aim is to create something on an epic scale that will capture the beautiful game as never seen before. Blue Moon Rising will combine cinematic production value and breathtaking footage with the very real human drama that defines the club and its fans."

Killed my last flickering flame of belief in humanity.
The end scene (well the end speech from the Nexus 6) from Bladerunner always gets to me, made me think how insignifcant life really is and to live each day to its fullest
The Butterfly Effect had Ashton Kutcher in it didn't it? If so then I'm going to agree with Spammy, despite having never seen the film.
none, movies might evoke certain feelings but influence my life? i dont think so
Woodstock: The Directors Cut probably came closest to 'affecting' me.
Had to be the original Shining. Horrifically hit home that ghosts/spirits do exist. Couldn't get it out of my head for weeks, maybe months.
Another film which has affected my life in a similar sort of way as Rambo: First blood is Jean Claude Van Damme's 2003 epic action/thriller "In Hell".

In In Hell, Jean plays an innocent husband Kyle LeBlanc who's wife was murdered, after a massive fight with the murderer around the streets of the city where they are (it's foreign not America, because Jean's American in this film) the murderer gets tried for murder and escapes the charges because his family are well connected and rich. First off, this affected me because it made me realise what a bunch of cnuts some people can be. Just because of their social upbringing and the family they happen to be born in they feel they have a natural born right to get away with everything. This showed me not to be surprised by anything that happens and to try and not take it. Try and not let someone's social status get in the way of justice.

Anyway, he kills the dude outside the courtroom (apologies for spoilers, but this is right at the start so stop whining) and he gets sent to the hellish prison. This also taught me how fecked up the justice system can be - I mean a man kills a woman who cannot defend herself and buys off the judge and when justice is finally done, the formally innocent man gets sentenced to life in prison without chance of parol? No. That's not right. Sods law is the only way to describe it.

But to cut a long story short, the hell he goes through in prison and the fights he has, the people he's seen raped or killed and yet he gets through it all. Wow, yeah, wow. You have to have some character to do that. He forgets himself at one point (which relates to my first film choice which also affected my life) but the thought of his dead wife makes him remember who he is and gets him to stop the fighting and remember who he was, a loving caring man who wouldn't hurt anyone.

This is the main lesson which I was taught by this film, one of which I still think about daily. Love can get you through anything. No matter the situation, no matter the reasoning behind anything, love will fix it. This may sound gay, but it isn't. You know it and I know it. The way he goes through hell, being stuck in one of the worst prisons I've seen in a film and comes out the other side remembering who he is as a person is wonderful. He thinks of his wife, and imagines her and sees her and she convinces him to stay who he was and to make it through this for her. That's commitment, that's love. To be so determined and so blind of everything else just to do what his wife would have wanted in the end, put his life on the line, it makes you appreciate the ones you've got and to always remember in dark times, the ones you love will get you through this.
Rambo: First Blood

When he's in that mine, after being trapped by the army blowing the opening up and he's crawling through those rats - it really makes you think.

You could be just a loner, experiencing new things and people will always take an automatic dislike to you because of their preconceived notions of how they expect you to behave and what they expect you to be like. You're walking through a town and before you know it you're being showered with a fire hose and then you're covered in rats. Take what you're given and deal with it, don't run away - stay and sort it out. Prove that you're not the trouble maker they first perceived you as.

You know what I mean? People are always dicks to the most undeserving of people. Take John for example, a hero, coming back from a terrible time and that's how he was thanked? I'd react the same way as him. Don't roll over because "the man" told you too. When someone gives you piss and tells you its juice, don't be the kind of pussy to drink it. Stand up for yourself and don't be afraid, don't let anyone change you into someone you're not. Don't change your personality to fit into their cliques, be yourself even if that involves killing a shedload of people with sticks because they washed you with a power hose and hit you with a baton. Why should you conform to their quiet little lives and their small town mentality because they don't like you for who you are? Blow shit up - metaphorically speaking of course. Start your own war with authority, don't be a victim. You do your bit for society so it's time for society to do something for you.

I cry at the end, I do, every time. He's just a boy inside who hasn't known any different his whole life. He is what he was bred to be and he can't change that now. He is who he is because that's how YOU wanted him to be, don't think YOU have the right to mold him differently now because your idealistic views have changed to something that was different 30 years ago. No.

Be who you are and no one else. Stand up for what you believe in. Challenge authority and don't conform to anyones stupid unrealistic ideas of a peaceful life. Live life to its fullest.

I just fetched a Rambo torrent because of that. :lol:

Not expecting tears and goosebumps, but I'm overdue at any rate. Needs seein'.
I watched crime-watch with my uncle in it once, badly affected to be fair.

Never watched it since in case anyone else is on who I know.