Films that are fecking ALWAYS on telly


Lowering the tone since 2006
Sep 1, 2006
Pretty Woman
Love Actually
About a Boy

WTF like?
You should see Aussie TV, especially Channel Ten, they show Billy Madison one week, Happy Gilmore the next then have a week of something else then revert back to the Adam Sandler 'classics'......
Willy Wonka
Miracle on 34th Street
That one about the car with wings and shit
Sky --> Movies:

Scroll down a bit and you'll the Matrix somewhere there, all the time.
back the the future.
chitty chitty bang bang
bedknobs and broomsticks
the great escape
the nutty professor
sound of music
A few years ago The Poseidon Adventure was always on, like once a week, and my uncle knew the whole dialogue because he always watched it.
True Lies seems to be on damn near every time I check the listings.
I'm adding The Devil Wears Prada to this list.
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Mission Impossible II
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure seemed to be permanently on ITV3 for a while there.
I've seen Jackie Brown listed on channels not including sky movies four times this year.