FIFA Street 4


(• ___ •)
Dec 31, 2007

I always enjoyed the FIFA Street games. Not much info on it, just announcement and that trailer.
I liked the first 1 but found it got very old very quickly.

Not much shelf life.
Fifa Street 3 was shit. The second part of this series was the best IMO.
They've all been shit really. The first one just not considered as much shit because it was a new concept.
Anything would be better than the last effort, it looked like it was put together in a month by a bunch of final year programming majors.
It should be included with the main game or as DLC. It doesn't have enough to make a full game.
Agreed remember indoors in Fifa 98 Road to World Cup?:drool:

FIFA 98 was so much better on many levels than any other FIFA game. The number of game modes. The number of stadiums and how detailed they were. All the nations in the world. Many many teams. Indoors. The 'Q' button.

Greed has gotten to them and therefor they'll never be as good again when it comes to anything not related to the gameplay itself.
FIFA Street 1 was quality, a simple format but something new in the market. It was great fun. The second strayed a bit and didn't quite have the same appeal, while third was just an absolute joke. If they can get back to the original formula I'd definitely buy this one.
Fifa Street games always look better than they are. You get tired of the gameplay pretty quickly. FIFA street 1 was fresh at the time but none of my friends had it and I crushed them all. That was PS2. Might be better now with improved network play.
Bit off topic but bought FIFA Street and FIFA Street 2 today, been playing 2 a fair bit, thinking it was pretty good and such. Put on FIFA Street and it's soooo much better, lol. Graphics are better, gameplay works better, it's still good now
Looking forward to this. Looks like they've rehauled the gameplay, the world tour mode looks decent and the graphics are no longer cartoony and ridiculous. I am a sucker for these games, bought them all (including the PSP one) but ended up returning 2 and 3 as their novelty wore off very quickly. I still love the first one (the PSP one was very similar) as it keeps the basic formula of gameplay, working your way up, recruiting players as you progress and playing all over the world. They overcomplicated it in the later games and completely ruined it for me.

Really considering a pre-order for this if I like the demo.
I kind of like the realistic approach they've taken. Better than the cartoonish over the top nonsense of the past versions. Shame it's not coming for PC too.
Liked the demo, really entertaining! Deffo going to get the full game :drool:
Preordered it today. Demo was decent, really like the look of the world tour mode, with all the player levelling etc. Still feels very weird skinning people with Carles Puyol though.
Preordered it today. Demo was decent, really like the look of the world tour mode, with all the player levelling etc. Still feels very weird skinning people with Carles Puyol though.

Not as weird as doing a 360 roulette with Neuer and smashing it home ;)
Thought the demo was shocking. Why do all the players run like spasticated zombies?
I thought it was fun, my roommate who hates FIFA even enjoyed it.
Finally got around to playing this. What an absolute bollox of a game. There's so much wrong with it. I'm struggling to see any good in what the developers done, as any good aspect of it is just lifted directly from FIFA 12.
Played the demo. I thought it was pretty cool, but I can't imagine paying full whack for it.
I played the early release. Finished the world tour mode, after that it looks like there ain't a lot more you can do, bar play online but it is too frustrating to play online.
I think it's quality tbh. Picked it up for 21 quid in a 'cash generator' type shop, thoroughly enjoying it. Me and a couple of mates all have each other in our teams and it's a good laugh.

Glad I got it
I agree.

World Tour is short lived but a good laugh and creating a group of mates works a treat. Some nice new modes in there too like Panna rules and Last Man Standing that we play a lot in our house - perfect addition to the multiplayer roster. This is te best FIFA Street by a long, long way.
It's definitely the best FIFA Street by a distance, though there are a few issues with it IMO, I won't grumble about them because it's a very enjoyable game.

That said, I did go back to proper FIFA without actually finishing WT mode...
What console do you guys have it on?

Could have a few games if any of you are on xbox, even though my teams pretty bad.