FIFA 12 VS Battlefield 3


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
Okay for sometime now I have been having this dilemma. I can only get one of the two games and I really really really can't decide which one. So lets hear it, the pros and the cons. Someone please convince me which one is a better game. Weaste? Anyone?

I should say though my roommate and I have few sports games - basketball, football, soccer and tennis. I have FIFA 10. Should I try a different game other than sports?
Can you beat your roommate at FIFA 10? If so, get FIFA 11. If not, try your luck with BF3.

I'd get BF3 though.
If you have the time and likeness for it, BF3. It's easily the better game. More fun? Each to their own.
I get a football title every year and even though I will once again be getting FIFA I'm more excited about Battlefield than anything else this year. I'm dumping CoD for it!

It looks like it will be absolutely brilliant.
I got to play around with BF3 yesterday and I can tell you that it was excellent on the PC, though clunky as feck on consoles. Make what you will of that.
I will be taking the plunge this year and dump COD for BF3.
I got to play around with BF3 yesterday and I can tell you that it was excellent on the PC, though clunky as feck on consoles. Make what you will of that.

Not much.

Demo's out at the end of the month. I'd be surprised if it's "clunky".
Can you beat your roommate at FIFA 10? If so, get FIFA 11. If not, try your luck with BF3.

I'd get BF3 though.

I can beat a lot of people on FIFA 10 including him. I am good at that game. With FIFA I only have to wait three days but for BF, I have to wait a whole another month.
COD can go kiss ass if you think that is going to be better than BF3. I am sorry, I am a BF fan and not a COD fan.

CoD has gotten very very boring. It's basically just the same thing with new maps and perks.

I didn't even bother playing the SP in the last 1.
I can beat a lot of people on FIFA 10 including him. I am good at that game. With FIFA I only have to wait three days but for BF, I have to wait a whole another month.

3 days for FIFA?
I got the previous Battlefield it really didnt do it for me. The single player was OK. But online for me is not a patch on COD
Not much.

Demo's out at the end of the month. I'd be surprised if it's "clunky".

On the PC it was brilliant, surpassed my expectations of it and looks to blow COD out of the water in terms of its scope, gameplay and general feel. But when I tested it on the consoles it felt like it was a game clearly meant for the PC.

I really, really dislike COD but a part of me can't help but feel that its better suited for consoles than BF3, despite BF3 easily being the superior game.

Again its just an opinion.
I got the previous Battlefield it really didnt do it for me. The single player was OK. But online for me is not a patch on COD

Bad company 2? Thats a more 'arcadey' game in the series, not really representative of what BF3 is going to be like.
I got the previous Battlefield it really didnt do it for me. The single player was OK. But online for me is not a patch on COD


Thats not Battlefield Randall, thats Bad Company, different title.

Battlefield 2 came out in 2005, 6 years ago. ;)

Its still one of the most popular PC MP titles even though its 6 years old!
On the PC it was brilliant, surpassed my expectations of it and looks to blow COD out of the water in terms of its scope, gameplay and general feel. But when I tested it on the consoles it felt like it was a game clearly meant for the PC.

I really, really dislike COD but a part of me can't help but feel that its better suited for consoles than BF3, despite BF3 easily being the superior game.

Again its just an opinion.

How have you managed to play both?
Weaste? Anyone??

I'm not sure why you are asking me exactly, it's well know that I'm really not a fan so "simulated" sports games - I'm not really one for multiplayer FPS either. In any case, two totally different games in two totally different genres giving two totally different experiences.

On the technical level though, BF3 will totally blow FIFA out of the solar system.
My bad on Battlefield. I have never played any of the other ones apart from the most recent

How is it different?
My bad on Battlefield. I have never played any of the other ones apart from the most recent

How is it different?

Cod is for people who just want to run around shooting people in the face every 10 seconds without it meaning anything and take solace in the fact that they killed more people than times they died.

BF is for those who want to play together, team based across vast maps utilising vehicles like helicopters, jet planes, tanks, humvees, work towards an objective rather than see how many kills you can get, use more diverse classes such as engineer and medic each kitted differently, engineer will have welder and anti tank weapons, medic will have SMG and healing kits, commando will have silenced weapon and C4 etc. The objective is team based rather than individual based.

Plus IMO the graphics piss all over CoD this time round.

I've played each CoD and BF since they came out on PC every year and only recently started playing on consoles to play with my work mates. Most people only started playing CoD after 4 and forget it was a world war series before that. Having played both franchises since the start BF is the better one for me.

I still remember playing the Desert Combat mod for BF1942, jumping in a jet plane, having dog fights in the air, getting blown up and parachuting to the ground and having to be picked up by my mate in a tank before proceeding to the enemy base to blow the shit out of it, upon arrival jumping into the enemies Hind helicopter and laying waste to their compound.

Also playing Wake Island where you have to sink each others aircraft carrier, running around the carrier on the anti tank guns trying to take out the jets and choppers shooting shit out of our carrier, running around the deck while the enemy is parachuting onto it and bombs are falling etc, then hopping into my own jet and flying over to their carrier to try and bomb it with my gunner blazing away trying not to get shot down over the sea where I'd have to swin to their carrier and infiltrate it, or swim for the nearest island and get sniped by someone aboard the enemy carrier, and this was online multiplayer 9 fecking years ago!
Does playing BF without any sort of voice chat diminish the experience a lot? I'm assuming since its more team based, communication becomes important?
Good point. I'd be keen to know that too.

I do have a headset as it came free with my 2nd pad but never use it because I feel like it's crossing a line :lol:
How have you managed to play both?

Eurogamer expo, they had both games available to play.

BF3 really does look terrific though, though I suspect the usual COD crowd will find its recoil mechanics incredibly frustrating.
The thing with COD and BF is that, although they're the same genre, they cater to completely different people. You can't really argue that one is better than the other because, tbh, it's not that objective - they both do their job extremely well.

COD is a no-holds-barred firefight, with action around you at all times. You can always get kills, and if you want you don't need to consider taking strategic strong points and planning pincer movements on enemy positions, you can just grab your gun and go solo. But that isn't to say that you can't use teamwork on COD. Hell, the extremely good COD players aren't better than everyone else because they can shoot better, but because they plan ahead. However, COD never claimed to have a multiplayer full of tactical decisions. It's just an all action frenzy. Put simply, it's mindless fun - which is why it's been so successful.

BF on the other hand, is completely different. If you go steaming into somewhere in BF, you're liable to get your ass handed to you on a plate, with a note asking you to come back again soon. It's all tactics, teamwork, more realism. It's a much more brainy game than COD, and as such it has a steeper learning curve. Games are longer and larger, but there's far less killing and much more planning involved. That's not to say it's less fun than COD - it's just a different type of fun. Which is the point I'm trying to get at.

They're both fantastic games, and both have other redeeming features which I'm not going to get into, but they both cater to different types of people. Hell, even the same person can enjoy both because sometimes you just want some mindless fun, going around with a UMP45 and spraying down everything you see, while other times you want to secure a major enemy route by laying down covering fire for your teammates with an LMG.

I'll be getting both.
Battlefield is amazing. I remember on one of the maps hiding in the bushes sniping people while covering the rest of my team who were charging forward trying to take the objective. So much fun and for me personally, above and beyond what COD is as an FPS.
Having played MW2 (COD) and BF3 (the closed Alpha trial) Urbanned and Zarlack have it pretty much spot on. I will, however, add that BF3 from the limited bits i saw was just outstanding.

Visually it just blows you away couple that with the amazing in game sound and shit blowing up all around you taking away any cover you thought you had etc, or RPG's wizzing past your head in a darkened tunnel and parts of walls being chipped away by bullets and you have an amazing experience!
Also with the map i was privy too, it was a mix of open space and closed in tunnel fights that definately puts it a notch above COD (in all forms). And with some of the smaller maps it does seem like BF3 is trying to take COD head on, but imho its the massive total warfare maps that set it apart.
The thing with COD and BF is that, although they're the same genre, they cater to completely different people. You can't really argue that one is better than the other because, tbh, it's not that objective - they both do their job extremely well.

COD is a no-holds-barred firefight, with action around you at all times. You can always get kills, and if you want you don't need to consider taking strategic strong points and planning pincer movements on enemy positions, you can just grab your gun and go solo. But that isn't to say that you can't use teamwork on COD. Hell, the extremely good COD players aren't better than everyone else because they can shoot better, but because they plan ahead. However, COD never claimed to have a multiplayer full of tactical decisions. It's just an all action frenzy. Put simply, it's mindless fun - which is why it's been so successful.

BF on the other hand, is completely different. If you go steaming into somewhere in BF, you're liable to get your ass handed to you on a plate, with a note asking you to come back again soon. It's all tactics, teamwork, more realism. It's a much more brainy game than COD, and as such it has a steeper learning curve. Games are longer and larger, but there's far less killing and much more planning involved. That's not to say it's less fun than COD - it's just a different type of fun. Which is the point I'm trying to get at.

They're both fantastic games, and both have other redeeming features which I'm not going to get into, but they both cater to different types of people. Hell, even the same person can enjoy both because sometimes you just want some mindless fun, going around with a UMP45 and spraying down everything you see, while other times you want to secure a major enemy route by laying down covering fire for your teammates with an LMG.

I'll be getting both.
Get this man a medal.

Like I said in another thread months ago, it's like comparing an arcade racer (such as some of the Need for Speed games) to Gran Turismo. One is fast paced, get in get out, relatively mindless fun. The other is slower paced, tactical and more realistic, yet still remains great fun.

Some people will only like one or the other. Others, like myself, like both.

In saying that, I honestly hope I end up not playing MW3 all that often, as that will mean that BF3 really is that damn good that it blows it completely out of the water.