Fifa 10 Club


Full Member
Apr 24, 2005
Paddy's Pub with the gang
Anyone interested in starting up a fifa 10 club. Just want a good club with players who can actually pass the ball because many cnuts online find that task too difficult.

Looking for active players who are online quite regularly.

So who's up for this?

P.S. For the 360
Mine's dependant on my connection, but I'll give it a go. Some club games I can be really laggy, others I'l be fine.

AlwynThePayne, I'll be online in 5 mins.
i started playing bap all the time again now.

i requested to join the other club quite a few times but noones ever accepted..

so il play..
thenuts00 is my GT

i changed my winger george best to a CAM rivaldo

so wherever you need me il play
Im in.


Im probably best as a striker, but I can do Midfield or wing too. I used to be a defender on 09, but this year i struggle with it.

I enjoyed the last one we did but it didnt last long.

I bagzee Centre Mid. Turn around - touch the ground etc etc etc.
Im in.


Im probably best as a striker, but I can do Midfield or wing too. I used to be a defender on 09, but this year i struggle with it.

Eh? You're a Rafael style right back arent you Muller??? ;)
Nice one. Got a few players now. Looking forward to this. Hopefully it will actually happen. I'l be on tomorrow night at bout 6/7.

My player is Cantona so, I'll prob be looking striker position or CAM. I can do a good job at ANY too.

GT cw?
Nice one. Got a few players now. Looking forward to this. Hopefully it will actually happen. I'l be on tomorrow night at bout 6/7.

My player is Cantona so, I'll prob be looking striker position or CAM. I can do a good job at ANY too.

GT cw?

Same as the username :)
Anyone around now for a game?

Working until midnight so no :(

I don't have a computer at home but if any of you have a game in the next 4 days (my days off :D) and notice i'monline send us a message.
Ill soon run out my playing time, back to school next week and have after school clubs to run in the evenings. I do love Be a Pro mode when played properly though.