Favourite Video game character?

There are plenty out there, but here are a few (In no particular order):

Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy VII


Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII


Solid Snake - Metal Gear Solid


Albert Wesker - Resident Evil

Sonic the Hedgehog would have to be right up there, for me.
Cloud, Red XIII (or whatever it was), Sephiroth.

Solid Snake, Sonic, Knuckles, Guybrush Threepwood (Sp?)
Max Payne. Amazing game. His quotes, bullet time, the telephone....

# [in a dream, when it is revealed to him that he's in a computer game] The truth was a burning green crack through my brain. Weapon statistics hanging in the air, glimpsed out of the corner of my eye. Endless repetition of the act of shooting, time slowing down to show off my moves. The paranoid feel of someone controlling my every step. I was in a computer game. Funny as Hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.

# It was a lucky break. The goons inside were spooked, but luck always came with a price tag.

# Collecting evidence had gotten old a few hundred bullets back. I was already so far past the point-of-no-return I couldn't remember what it had looked like when I had passed it.

# Mine wasn't the most original approach to the problem: An eye for an eye, the oldest principle of revenge. Old as dirt, but still going strong.


Hitman. He had a barcode on his head and carried fibrewire around at all times.


Duke Nukem. For old times sake.

There are quite a few I like. Solid Snake (MGS), Dante (DMC), Centurion (Altered Beast), Kratos (GoW), Sagat (Street Fighter)...

I remember liking Auron from FFX, I can't say Cloud or whatever from the other FF's since I've never played them.

Theres Guybrush Threepwood as cement mentioned earlier, Solid Snake. Monkey from Timesplitters :D