Favourite Vampire Movie?

Lance Uppercut

Fright Night.

Honourable mentions to Near Dark and The Lost Boys. Salma Hayek almost gains a place on the list for From Dusk 'til Dawn. Tarantino cancels her out, though.

Fright Night for me as well*

*not swayed by the awesome gratuitous tit shot in the opening scene.
Other than the mentioned ones, The Omega Man and Interview with the Vampire (I know some people hate it but.....).
Interview with the Vampire was actually very well done.
Let Me In was pretty damn good, although I haven't seen the Swedish Let The Right One In which most will say is better but I can't speak for that.
Let the Right One In (Swedish version), not seen the Hollywood remake.
Really enjoyed 30 Days of Night though despite an ending that left me a tad deflated.
Let the Right One In.
The Hunger
Salem's Lot
The Lost Boys (loved this as a kid)
Bram Stoker's Dracula
I've always enjoyed the first 2 Blade movies. The second one in particular is eminently quotable.

But yeah, good call on Near Dark. Watched it again a few weeks back and it's aged quite well.
Surprised no one has mentioned the Eddie Murphy classic "Vampire in Brooklyn"
Surprisingly not many good ones to choose one, rather watch True Blood than anything mentioned.
The best have already been mentioned. But the 1st 2 Underworld movies deserve a mention too. Plus Kate Beckinsdale makes it very watchable
I thought Daybreakers had the potential to be an incredible film - great premise, but poorly executed.

The idea of Vampires being the dominant species (rather than being limited to a few secluded creatures) and having to farm/harvest humans for their blood had huge potential in my opinion, but it just wasn't as good as it could have been in my opinion.

If it's adapted from a book, i'd be tempted to read it and see if that was better.
I loved Fright Night as a kid, I watched it again a few years back and thought it was awful!

Let the right one in, The Lost Boys and Near Dark are the best with an honourable mention to Blade.
Tom Cruise :drool:

I actually thought Van Helsing was not too bad and was undeservedly panned by the critics
Fright Night for me is the tops.

Also good are Lost Boys, Interview with a Vampire, From Dusk Till Dawn, Salem's Lot, Bram Stokes Dracula.

Twilight is garbage.

Werewolves are much much cooler. Need more werewolf movies minus the shitty CGI effects.
Fright Night for me is the tops.

Also good are Lost Boys, Interview with a Vampire, From Dusk Till Dawn, Salem's Lot, Bram Stokes Dracula.

Twilight is garbage.

Werewolves are much much cooler. Need more werewolf movies minus the shitty CGI effects.

I used to love Salem's Lot when I was younger.

Watched it couple of years back and it has not aged well at all.