Favourite TV channel

I'm going to go with FX because they seem to get a fair amount of the H.B.O shows.

RTE2 if I was to pick one from home, decent Champions league coverage and you get the odd decent show too.
Sky1 is good for me. Has just about everything. SkySports 1 as well for the footy and any other sport.
Channel four for me.. alot of variety.
SSN is my most watched by a fecking country mile.

But for actual TV shows etc. Either C4, E4 or BBC3.
Doesn't watch alot of channles for shows/movies since I..ehm.. acquire those with other means:) But I like to watch quite a bit of documentaries on Discovery/HD, National Geo, Travel Channel and BBC HD/Knowledge

And the new Premier League HD channels here in Norway will be frequently viewed as well ;) :drool: