FAO Weaste


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
I've missed you.

Anyway, trying to load up GT5 but during the load up process I get a message reading;

"Insufficient HDD Space, at least 32MB needed bla bla bla...."

I have over 150GB left on my hard drive though, so what's the problem?

Cheers and Thank you.
Just the Prologue.

Hadn't been on it in a while, when I loaded it up I had to install a load of updates. Forums on the internet seem to think deleting the game data and re-installing does the trick.
Ok, then try that. It could be that somehow the update can't read the old save file. Back up the save files, delete the game completely including the GT save file and try again. Then restore your save files. Serious bug if true.