FAO South African Posters

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
Right so, the South African Caf members will be hearing a song released into South Africa over the coming week written by yours truly ;)

(I'm not singing on it. The original song was written by me and we got in some fresh talent over in S.A)

It's called 'South African from the Waist down' and is being distributed via EMI

Make sure you call into the radio stations to have it played. It's a cheesy, stupid song that I'm hoping will take off for the Summer. So when you've had a few beers, South Africa have just won a game and the song comes on make sure you give a little thought to the Kink-Meister whilst shaking your boodies

Thank You
Afraid not. I don't have anything until it's launched. Apparently the video is very funny :) As soon as it's launched and I'm sent a link I will be straight on the Caf. The song is funny.

Very summery and catchy. It's great when you're drunk
Considerably. There is an entirely different style to it now in terms of the beats used. New beginning and a slight variation at the end. They've really turned it into a Summer feel good hit