FAO Niall re SU

An Extremely Boring Man

Retired 39,9999 not out
Dec 3, 2000
London / Oxford
I just joined Shareholders United. On the registration page, there is a "Where did you here about us" referral drop down menu. I would have picked RedCafe if it had been there, but it wasn't. I obviously knew about SU before, but it was after discussing today's events on here that I decided to join. RedCafe is as important as a medium for United fans worldwide as RedNews, RedIssue, UWS, United.no etc. Time to get some recognition for the good work you're doing lad!
can someone contact them via email to tell them to put the red cafe on there, is it yaps who usually does those weird emails to big companies? if so he should do it
I think they'd be better persuaded if there was an actual perminant link to SU on the RedCafe homepage... Wink Nudge ;)
Something like these, with a hyperlink:


Good idea Van, I've added a Shareholders United banner to the banner ad rotation linking to their site.