FAO: Irish based Wu-Tang Clan / Hip-Hop fans...

Red Hand Devil

Plan M ish
Aug 15, 2007
"I said a hip hop, hippie to the hippie..."
Sorry, i know this is the wrong forum, but i thought i'd let folk know asap, as this is a more popular forum than the entertainment forum .

The Wu-Tang Clan just announced they're extending their European Tour to take in Ireland.

They're playing in Cork (Savoy) tonight - €32.60 / doors open at 8pm, & Dublin (Tripod aka old POD Harcourt, Street beside the Odeon Bar) tomorrow nite - €29.50 & doors open at 7pm!

Wu Tang Clan tickets, concerts and tour dates. Official Ticketmaster site.

I just heard about this on the radio coming into work. I've a wedding on tomorrow so i cant go :(, but wouldnt like to see anyone miss out because they didnt hear about this. Its the full remaining members, so its gonna be fecking wicked!

Anyway, sorry again for using the General :angel:



Sorry it just didn't feel like a Red Hand thread without some picture spamming.
€32.60 to get into the Savoy?? jaysus that place was a shithole back when I lived in Cork. Still Wu-Tang would be cool to see there.
"Ah bejesus, top of the morning to ye, but who are these dark-skinned fellas all gyrating and speaking in the devil's tongue, so it is?"
They wont be so tough once we let the priests at em!
my only problem if I go will be rage, rage at the fecking twats who'll turn up.

Basically this guy


Have you not been to a hip-hop gig at Tripod man?

Man, its all clued-in hip-hop heads & there's never any Travellers. Never seen a Traveller at any hip-hop gig there, nor the old POD since i've been goin there - nearly 12yrs now. The PR for these gigs are usually low-key, as to attract those who keep an ear close to the ground, its been their policy for a long-time & it works brilliantly. Seen Grandmaster Flash, Sugarhill Gang, De La Soul, Ice Cube etc.. and all wicked great natured gigs.. Best venue - bar The Point, in town :cool:
feck you man, just because I'm inbred that doesn't mean I'm a traveller!
I'd be going to see The Wu if I was in Ireland. You don't miss that shit.

I know man. Best mates wedding tho. What a selfish prick eh?

I'm annoyed at the organising of this gig, it must have only been arranged the other day. Why the funk didnt Tripod get on this when it was released they were doin a European Tour, like whats changed since then til now?! I couldnt have went anyhow, but maybe if Tripod had of got on the ball, they might have arranged less rushed/crammed dates.

I'm so gutted bout missing this one, its in the ideal venue for this vibe & ol'skool folk just seem to flow out of the corners to come to gigs like this, immense friendly & knowledgeable vibe here..