I learnt Dreamweaver, merely by playing around with it for about 6 months. It's very easy to pick up. So I can't really recommend any books. Like Yaps says, the tutorials are worth a bash. And fortunately, Macromedia seem to do a good job with their Help Files.
As for Flash, that's a different Kettle of Fish
I learnt that at version 5, and made the transition to MX this year.
MX is much easier to work with, however I'd certainly buy a couple of books. <a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0672323710/qid=1057831091/sr=2-2/ref=sr_2_3_2/202-4858293-3377468" target="_blank">'SAMS Teach Yourself Flash MX in 24Hours</a> is a good one for beginners.
With regards to Internet resources. Flash Kit - <a href="http://www.flashkit.com" target="_blank">www.flashkit.com</a> is by far the most useful. You can pick up all-sorts there. The Macromedia Exchange is also worth a look.
Following that, Action Script - Flash's coding language, will be the next thing you'll want to know about. I'm looking for an Actionscript book myself, so I'll let you know if I spot any decent ones.
Let me know if you need any more help