FAO Anyone


Get a haircut Hippy!
Apr 9, 2006
Hey I'm just curious as to how you change that little thing that says (in my case) 'youth team player?'

I had a look at my edit profile section and didn't see anything there that would let me...

Anyone able to fill me in?

Cheers in advance.
Interestingly enough we have two of those in the fridge ATM.

What do you say GB, change my thingy to: "Member of the Mullet Appreciation Unit" and there all yours!

Shut up Vijay, this is my thread... Get your own!

(Sorry but the tagline said I could ;))
vijay said:
Brilliantly put Weaste! I myself could not have said that better.

Have you ever tried changing a tagline?

For Starters try changing mine.

Its obscure

I have tried yes, I changed my own.

I think that I'll leave yours as it is.

Thanks for asking.
Bahaha I can deal with that one Liz. Cheers.

*Hands Curly Wurly to Liz and GB*
golden_blunder said:
here hold on, wheres my real curly wurly?

:lol: Tell me your address and I'll try send one away. Not that sending food through air mail is legal and all.

But I've only got one left now, all that talk about them before got me hungry.