RedCafe Rules & Posting Guidelines
Our basic rules include (but are not limited too):
* Please use English language only, no text language. It is annoying, use your keyboard properly.
* Only one forum account per member.
* No Advertising - We work very hard to make popular, do not plug your own website here, do it the hard way like the rest of us.
* No racism, bigotry or comments suggesting child abuse – We will enforce this strictly, any racism/Bigotry towards fellow board members will result in an immediate banning.
* No Porn – There are lots of places on the internet for this, But isn’t one of them.
* No Spam – Your post count is not important, unnecessary posts will be removed. Continual spamming will result in further action being taken.
* No cloning – Do not create extra user names to try and be malicious or be yet another 'unique' WUM, it’s easy to track your IP and find out if you post with more than one account.
* Try and post in the correct forum, it makes it much easier for people to find the topics.
* Signatures- are not enabled on this board.
* Newbies - please read the FAQ regarding when you will (or wont be promoted), do not repeatedly ask.
* 'Banter' involving Munich, Hillsborough and Hysel is out of bounds.
* Breaking the rules can lead to your posts being edited/deleted/closed. A temporary suspension of your account or account deletion.
* Ignore Function. This forum has an Ignore function. If a particular poster really winds you up, put him/her on ignore.
* Report a Post. This forum has a 'report a post' function. If you believe something has gone beyond the realms of what is acceptable use the button to report it. Mods may miss the post first time, so don't whine that we didn't do anything about it.
* Other football forums. And finally, if you don't like it here that much, don't whine about it, go find a forum that suits your taste more. Its not like there isn't choice!
* The moderators reserve the right to take action on things which may fall outside those boundaries.